Monday, April 7, 2014

Glass half empty or half full ???

As I look out the window I'm seeing the grass greening!  For that I say "yeah".  But spring is here!  Yeah!  Yet I'm still not back to quite 100% from the flu.  Boo!

Was all set to get outside this a.m. before it started raining and clean out at least one flower bed.  But the rain came before I was through drinking my third cup of coffee.  Also still working on my call list for the week and waiting for a return call or two.  I guess the flower beds can wait another few days.  I did hear that Thursday is supposed to be a good one with temps in the 70s ...  That should be a good day to get out there and clean and Preen; the weeds are growing like crazy already.  I should check for asparagus, too!  See?  There's always a glass-half-full side to everything.  

I'll bet my brother is packing for the trip home from AZ.  They've missed all of the nasty stuff here I think.  I know they'll hate to leave their winter home, but they'll also be glad to be home in IN and see their children and grandchildren, too.  And they, too, have asparagus to look forward to!

Along the lines of the glass being half full, son Jeff and Jane were married last Friday.  What a great day for our two families!  I was so blessed to be able to make the trip up there; recovered from the flu enough to go, thank God.  Poor Wendell got sick Thursday night and wasn't able to go; talk about being SICK.  I told everyone there, he was sick about not being able to attend -- no pun intended.  I felt guilty because of course he caught it from me.  Youngest son Adrian hinted that perhaps we might think about getting a flu shot next year ....  (sigh ... doesn't EVERYONE know how I hate needles?  LOL!)

But it's a new week and the grass is green.  I'm feeling back to normal.  Later today I'm going down to weave a new rug.  God is good.