Saturday, April 21, 2018

I swear, it's really spring ...

Yes, it really is Spring.  Boy!  What lousy weather we've come back to!  Here's what it looked like just a few days ago out my front deck door:

Granted, it went away quickly, but seriously.  We've had at least three snows since we got home from NM in early March.  And we had lunch with my brother, Don, and wife Nancy this week; they didn't return to Indiana from AZ until after the end of the first week of this month and he said it snowed the day they got back!!!  ARGH!  But anyway ... enough about this freaky spring.  And, yes, it really is spring!

Think I'll tell my story in pictures ....

The first week after our return, I went to Terre Haute with Jane and Nancy (we're part of a local sewing group and we call our work "Project Kindness").  We met at First Methodist Church (downtown, on the edge of the ISU campus) with LeaAnn Camp to do a one-day flash project of a hat/scarf combo with the ladies of the church.  I think at the end of the day we had over 20 pieces done, and more were going home with some of the local ladies, so in all I'd say that about 30 fleece hats will warm some homeless person in TH.  Plus, it was FUN!  The ladies provided us with a great lunch with some of LeaAnn's yummy soup as the centerpiece.  These are a fleece hood with a scarf attached that's continuous.  Very clever.

Since I've returned I've been able to hook three times; two times locally at the library in Worthington and once in Washington with the Hoosier Hills Guild.  At Guild, the gorgeous projects above were brought for show n' tell.  Top is Sharon's and next is Sue's.  They started these rooster wall hangings in a class at the ATHA convention last fall.  The roosters themselves are hooked with wool provided by the instructor, but each did their background and border color choices themselves.  I love, love, love these rugs and asked them if I could put them on my blog.  Sue was just finishing binding hers at guild and I hope by now they've both picked a place to hang them at home.  Lovely!  (Just wish I could say that the "yellow ware bowl" rug I've been working on since well before they began their projects was done.)

I've been SLOWLY working on cleaning my flower beds, cutting back last years plants, pulling & digging weeds, mulching, and applying Preen.  And it's not been easy to find a good day for this kind of work in this ugly weather!  Actually, we were flooded in for three days in early April, to add insult to injury.  Well, I only have one flower bed to go after just completing this one yesterday.  So, TA-DA!  Actually, I would have finished all this flower bed nonsense yesterday but didn't have enough mulch to do all of the one remaining bed.  I put these pictures on so you can see how far along the lilies are already!  Yikes!  
Well, yesterday and today have been really spring like.  So I'm hoping for the best as I prepare to put out some herbs that are waiting down on my potting table.  So let's keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't frost after I do that ... I guess I could go out each night and cover them .... (sigh).

I cut four more rugs off of the run of weaving I've been working on recently and got them knotted yesterday.  Need to run them through the washer yet to call them really "done".  I'm going to give some of these away to my Project Kindness buds I think.  I still have a long way to go on this yellow/green/red/blue warp but have been having a dickens of a problem with the end warp threads getting loose!!  If I were a cursing person I'd put in a few cuss words here, like **@@##((%%!!@^^++!!  Next week I'll tie it onto the apron once again and start anew.  But I know it will happen again and I'll be glad to see this warp run out for sure.

God is Good!  All the Time!  Remember that as you curse that "warp" in your life.