Sunday, January 27, 2019

Enjoying the sunny skies ...

We've really been enjoying the warm, clear, sunny days here!  It's not 'hot', but it is nice and warm.  Usually about 60-ish during the day with clear, sunny skies.  That's what I don't miss about Indiana ... it always seems overcast and gloomy at home in the winter.  I get the Indiana-winter blahs.  So I'm really thankful for this weather.  Now, Wendell would like it about 80 each day but I'm grateful for this!  Our house has had some problems with heat, which you definitely need at night when it often falls below freezing.  But they have it fixed so we're down for the next few weeks.

We've been going out about every third day, somewhere, and staying around town or at home the rest of the time.  As we get older it seems like that's a good balance for us.  We wear out easier than we used to.  Plus, I've not been feeling 100% since mid-December.  So this has been a good time to not have the demands of my normal household duties and schedule.  I feel like I'm really on vacation here!

Here's what we've been doing ...

There are LOTS of deer here in town.  We have them in the yard daily.  I'm thinking these are mule deer and not white tail, like in Indiana.  Also we have seen a roadrunner in the yard almost every day.  We enjoy walking in the neighborhood.
Discovered this little chapel called Mission Mary out in the desert within an old deserted town called Calera.  (Is that sky blue or what!?  That's what I'm talkin' about!)

Interior of Mission Mary chapel.
Got up early one a.m. and saw the sunrise out the back door ...
Went to Van Horn one day.  This was the only really interesting place in town. But they have TONS of Mexican restaurants and motels!  (Right along the interstate.)

On the way home from Van Horn I saw this lonely-looking tree ...
We went to Alpine one Saturday for the farmer's market and to shop downtown.  Thought this piece in a small park south of downtown was neat.
About our trip to Alpine.  It's 24 miles away.  It's an interesting college town; Sul Ross University is there.  We enjoyed the downtown area because there are some really neat shops!  Especially liked the book shop and there was an antique shop called Vintage Antiques and Snazzy Things which was my favorite place in town (so far).  There are three or four art galleries and a couple coffee shops.  There's a wonderful old hotel, The Holland, (designed by Henry Trost) with a fancy upscale restaurant we plan on going to before we leave.  We just took a peak at the lobby that day -- Spanish Colonial style!  Wow!  Talk about snazzy!

While downtown we saw a protest march.  They reported later on the local news that there were about 100 marchers, but I don't think there were that many ... maybe if you counted the police who were escorting them, front, rear and sideways.  I couldn't figure out exactly what they were protesting because their signs were all over the place -- 'resist', 'abortion IS healthcare', 'no borders, no walls', 'hear our vote', 'stop racism now', etc.  So, anyway, we were sitting on a park bench, watching (from across the street!) and parked near us was a pickup with a bumper sticker that said 'I'm sucking down the gas your Prius is saving'.  Sometimes you gotta laugh at the ironies of life.  

Also went to a wonderful western wear store on the east side of Alpine.  I'm going back there and get some shoes.  There were so many unusual pairs there!  While there, and sitting waiting for W. to look at all the manly stuff, I met two of the most beautiful bird dogs.  There were brothers and they were identical!!  Red, curly, and friendly.  I asked their owner if he could tell them apart and he said 'mostly'.  I got some good petting time in; their owner was friendly, too.  I wish I had one of those dogs!  So cute!!!

And this is what we do sometimes when we're in.  Two jigsaws down, two to go...
I've got a lot of crocheting done for Project Warmth.  Three scarves and one hat, and I'm working on another hat at present.  Reading a lot and wasting time playing games on my tablet and phone (what a waste of time that is but I'm addicted!  LOL!).

Well, more later.  I've got a ton of pictures but most of them are mountains, mountains, and more mountains ... 😃

Monday, January 14, 2019

Now then ...

I promised a couple people I'd put some pictures on here of the house where we're staying for a few weeks, so here goes.

A few words first ... the description online said it was built in 1927.  It's an adobe home that has been built onto over the years.  The exterior and interior walls are about 18-24" thick.  I'm guessing it would stay cool in the summer.  I know it's tough to get it warm in the winter!

The room where we spend the most time (the den) was added later and it's the most comfortable.  There's a formal living room and dining room but we just don't spend much time in those rooms.  I'll probably serve one meal in the dining room before we leave.  There's a breakfast nook adjacent to the kitchen with a big bookcase which has lots of cookbooks.  I've enjoyed looking through some of them.  All of the rooms are big.  High ceilings.  Ceiling fans in every room.

In the hallway space between the two bedrooms there are more built-ins and one space there is filled with old family photo albums; very sad.  Margo asked if there were old clothes in here: no, they're all over in the garage, which is packed full of that sort of personal stuff.  There is just a lot of "decor" in the bookcases, on the walls, and in the drawers and spaces of the built-ins.  And the kitchen seems to have 2 or 3 or 4 of everything.  Who needs three coffee makers?  The kitchen is really dated but everything seems to work for the most part, though one burner of the kitchen range will not heat.  And one of the two ovens doesn't work properly.  But don't think I'll ever need both ovens ... 
Anyway, here's some pictures of the main rooms ...
The den, where we spend most of our time. There's a fireplace in this room, too, but I didn't get in this picture ...

Living room. Oh, if only I could play the piano.  The bench is filled with sheet music!

Another view of the formal living room.  This woman decorated with a strange mixture of the orient and the southwest ... 

Dining room. 

Another view of the dining room; buffet full of linens. Huge Russian samovar on top.
Breakfast nook; cookbooks and 'stuff' in bookcase.

Two views of the kitchen, looking north ...

... and looking south, toward the nook.
Now, I'm going to insert two pictures below of that kitchen range.  It's something from the 60's and was part of Frigidaire's "kitchen of tomorrow".   My Uncle Jack Sharpe worked for that company during the introduction of those futuristic appliances and I remember something from that era ...  Anyway, here goes.  Get a few chuckles why don't ya! 

With the cook top hidden ... 
Voila!  With the cook top pulled out!  The twin ovens are above.  It's been a trip!
I have no doubt that these hats belonged to the former owner ... Does this make you want to cry or what?!  This is out in the garage.

Well, now you get an idea of the place we're staying.  I'll update you on what we've been doing when we're outside in a few days.  Have a blessed week!  I'm off to do some laundry (that sort of chore always seems to tag along with me wherever I go).

Friday, January 11, 2019

I know ... I'm late ... but happy new year (and celebrating the old year here) ...

We're in Ft. Davis, Texas for a few weeks.  This has sure been an unusual few weeks for me.  If you know me you know I depend on things being in order and "expected".  Not unexpected.  But I've had a few weeks of "unexpected" for me.  Not been feeling healthy and had to deal with that.  Now trying to get a few more miles out of the meds I have with me so I can stay out of the Indiana grays for a few more weeks ... 

I thought I'd re-visit the last few days we were at home and share some pictures.  It's fun for me, too, to look back on what I did leading up to Christmas and our trip to the southwest ...

We had some excitement on our road in early December with a combine fire.  Met all of the firetrucks on their way out as I was getting home.  Several forlorn looking farmers standing around this machine as I passed by.  Here's the aftermath ...
We visited the Festival of Trees at the Shawnee Theater in Bloomfield.  It was really good this year.  I put a bid on a wreath that my friend Nancy B. made but didn't get it ... darn.

I especially liked what they did with this pallet!  I could do this!

Here's a view of the trees on the stage and up the aisles.  Pretty cool in the dark like this.

And more trees and decor in the lobby.  It was all good and a great way to get us into the Christmas spirit.

A practice coil for a hooked rug I'm working on.  At Jan S.'s Christmas party I made about a dozen for real for the rug!  I think I'm going to like this effect.  It's will fall at the same level as the hooking so it should work fine for the floor.  Very tight.  Now to get it implemented!
Jane and I went to Centenary U.M. Church in Terre Haute before Christmas and made more hat/scarves with the ladies of the church.  These will help keep someone warm this winter I trust.  I think we ended up making about 16 that day.  It's always good to spend a day with kindred spirits.  Got to visit with Lea Ann and Mel Camp as an added bonus!  
Got our tree, and the house, decorated for Christmas.  I should have taken a picture with all the presents (mostly for our girl) under it!!!  I really enjoyed Christmas this year because everyone came to our house on the 15th.  God is good!!!

Here was a very special gift for Wendell and I -- My old H.S. (Petroleum) and Wendell's (Liberty Center) on mugs.  Sure brings back memories.  Jeff & Jane found these at a market in Portland.  I know lots of old P.H.S. buds who would like one of these!!!

We visited the Art Sanctuary in Martinsville in mid-December.  Wow!  So glad we went.  It's a neat concept; they are using an old church structure and artists have studios there (in old Sunday School classrooms) and give classes and have exhibits.  In the old church sanctuary it's all open concept and they can have a big show or a catered event there.  Nice kitchen for a caterer.  Just a wonderful idea!  The people of Morgan County have a real gem there!  Some pictures below that I took that day.  And we met and talked with some interesting folks there, too.
Loved the 3-dimensional art here ...

This was in a stairwell ...

... and on and on, all up and down two levels of hallways!  Wow!

Well, that about covers our December.  This weekend I'll put some pictures on here of the place we're staying.  It's unique, interesting, unusual ... more later on that subject.

Happy New Year to you all! From sunny southwest Texas!