Friday, October 11, 2019

Three-quarter century club ...

My brother Don informed me this week that I've officially joined the "3/4 Century Club".  Oh, yeah!  Thanks Don ... (I guess).  I knew it was my birthday but hadn't thought too hard about that particular fact.  But there it is -- I'm officially "old".  

Had a wonderful weekend in MI with our youngest son, his wife, and our one and only grand, Veronica.  And she truly is grand.  We love her so.  And are so proud of her.  It was a good way to celebrate my birthday.  The weather was just perfect (to me).  And the long drive was uneventful.  Did stop in Kokomo on the way home Monday and Jeff came to spend some time with us at lunch.  So except for our Jane, we saw our entire family this past weekend.  That should hold me for a while.

Let's see, what else have I been doing?  Well, I have this new computer.  I love it except for some reason I'm undoubtedly dragging a finger or thumb over SOME KEY that either wipes everything out or moves the cursor to the top of the page or the beginning of a paragraph.  Or SOMETHING.  I need to practice more I guess.  Maybe raise my chair to get a different angle on it?  But I'll get the hang of it.  And really, I like this new laptop.  And thank goodness for that undo key that brings back everything I unintentionally wipe out ...

Well, here are some photos that I've taken along my way:

We stayed in a really nice, new motel in Kalamazoo and look what was parked next to me?!  Yes, that's a bullet hole.  Sort of shocking to see, me being a back-woods girl from Greene County, Indiana. (Maybe they were from Chicago?  LOL!)

While in MI, Wendell and I went to eat at the Walldorff Pub in Hastings ... what do you think of the outfit?

Couple weeks ago we went to Moonshine, IL for a world-famous cheeseburger.  Worth the wait and the company was interesting as always.  Perfect day weather-wise.  Highly recommend if you're into hole-in-the-wall type of funky out-of-the-way places.

Laurie brought these cute table decorations from a banquet at ATHA-Denver to show us at hooking.  Just another use for quillies!  I love this and and see the possibilities of other projects using quillies!

Finally made it to Vendor's Village in the Honey Creek Mall in Terre Haute.  And guess what?  My favorite local artist has a booth there!  I won't bore you with all the pictures I took but here's the back wall.  You go Steve!

I showed you my mother's wedding dress in my last post.  Well, here's my Grandma Lee's (Margaret Grace Fleming Lee) wedding dress.  I feel so honored to have both of these dresses.  And Grandma made this dress.  She was so tiny.  I would love to have Veronica try this dress on; she would fit into it I'll bet.  And she's the only person I want to pass this dress on to someday.
My good friend Judy Mason Habegger lost her husband last week.  Took that long drive to Bluffton (one more time) to see her and just be there.  What a sad day.  But also positive and confident in the knowledge that John is in a better place now.  Transitioning to a life without your best friend, the person you've spent 57 years with, will be difficult for Judy, but I trust in her faith in God.  And her lovely family to step up and be there for her.

Well, I'll close for now.  You know what -- I don't feel nearly as old now as I did when I first started writing this post!  Writing is cathartic for me.  Life goes on, doesn't it?  You can't stop it.  Just LIVE with it!