Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christmas is almost here!

It's an exciting and busy time of year, isn't it?  I think I'm almost ready for Christmas.  Mailed Christmas cards last week.  Got the gift shopping done.  Have all of the ingredients for any and all food I might want to prepare on hand.  Got the gifts wrapped this a.m. and put them around the Christmas tree.  (Still have one to go, in transit.)

It's a beautiful, sunny day here with snow on the ground (see that glare on the floor by the tree?) and it would be a perfect day for "Christmas" ... but the weatherman says that it probably won't be a white Christmas for us this year in my part of Indiana.
I have lots of hopes and wishes for the season, including that my brother Don and his wife Nancy make it safely to Green Valley and aren't impeded by any storms.  That Wendell gets through his procedure tomorrow with no incidents.  That my family gets to meet for our get-together with safe trips by all (and that Wendell will be able to attend).  That all the folks I know with colds and flu get well enough to enjoy their family time, too.  (And that includes me.)  That friends and family hosting parties and family meals get to enjoy the meeting time as much as the attendees.  And that we all can forget about politics for just an afternoon or an evening, acting our appropriate ages, and showing our love for our friends and family.  That's pretty simple, isn't it?  Hope my dreams come true and that a week from today I'll be putting cookies out for Santa and kicking back with a coffee/Baileys!  And you too.

Here's a little of what I've been doing lately, just to catch up.

Found this really cool little oil painting in Spencer at the gallery on the south side of the square.  I love, love, love wall art and wish I could decorate better; I have LOTS of stuff in closets and drawers and not a lot on the wall!  But I put this little gem right up in the kitchen.  Unframed!  It's my Christmas present to myself this year and I paid more for it than I probably should have -- but I'm worth it!  😊

On the way home from Vincennes a couple weeks ago we saw some white specks in a field down by Beehunter.  I made a quick turn-around and we cut out into the country.  About a mile off the highway we found these Whooping Cranes!  Wish I could have been closer and/or that I'd had my camera with me and not just the phone.  But here's what I got.  What a treat; first time in my life I've see Whooping Cranes!  God is good!

Here's my latest rug.  It's almost done here ... I'll put a photo on here when I have it done and steamed. I'm liking it but it's not my favorite of all time.

Recently I bought some carrots and thought, 'what could I do different with carrots?' So I Googled it and found several recipes for simple pickled carrots.  Surprisingly it was a definite YUM!  Good on the side with a sandwich. And, hey, you can do the same with green beans ...

Last, but not least, I've spent some spare time (while terrible TV programs are on) crocheting hats and scarves for Project Warmth.  So, ta-da!  I so enjoy doing this and my hope is that some person who needs to keep warm will be wearing them this winter!

"May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmas's be white!"  
God bless you and yours!