Friday, December 24, 2010

Twists and turns on Christmas Eve ...

What a day.  It started out so good.  I'm making up the bed in my studio for son Jeff who will be here in the afternoon to spend Christmas with us.  I'm doing last-minute grocery shopping and cooking special food.   Jeff's been on a break from work and class, and drove to FL.  Been away for a few days.  We're expecting him about mid-afternoon.  Then at 1:00 he called.  I could tell right away something was wrong.  He totaled his Mustang on highway 231 in southern Indiana!  Thank God he was not injured!  No one was.  So what started out as a good day has turned into something else.  Life has a way of doing that sometimes but I'll tell you, mine has been so smooth that little wrinkles like this really throw me.  And this didn't even happen to me.  But it might as well have.  When things like this happen to someone you love it is just the same as if it happens to you.  I am just so thankful that God was watching out for Jeff today.

Wendell left immediately for the 2-hour drive to pick him up.  He is worried, too.  Jeff loved his red Mustang convertible and I know he is sick about having this auto accident.  I am sick to the stomach, just sitting here at home, wondering where are they right now, will they remember to get everything out of his car, would four times be too many times to call?  It 'is' Christmas Eve and I know the poor police officer and tow driver just want to get this over with and go home.  Things will not be the same until they are home, safe and sound ...

1 comment:

  1. I really was okay too. Or as okay as I was before the wreck...


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