Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oh, I hurt ...

Monday I spent the day outside and now I'm feeling it!  I cleaned out two small flower beds and one large one.  That included dividing and transplanting some sedum, re-locating some stepping stones, cutting back the butterfly bush, carting away debris ... well, all of the things that go with cleaning up a flower bed.  In addition to that, Wendell started this tree-moving project ... and I had to get in on that, too.  (of course)

He spent the day digging and pulling out (with his Case) this too-tall oak tree that was right on the edge of the woods.  I helped chain and unchain so he wouldn't have to jump off and on the tractor so much.  Overnight we wrapped it in blankets and rugs and soaked them with water.  Then yesterday a.m. together we dug an elephant grave to plant it in.  When we were within about 10 inches of the depth we needed we ran into a big rock so we said, "forget it" and trimmed the roots!  I wonder if this poor tree stands a chance, but in the past we have been successful transplanting two other oaks which are now very good sized!  It has had its roots pruned, its bark skinned, and it's shocked I'm sure.  So we are praying that God will be with this tree.

I made Wendell stand for this picture ...
I told Margo yesterday when we were at the Pepperoni Grill that it was as tall as their ceiling there, but as I look at this picture I think it is taller.  (Wendell is 6'3".)  Anyway ... I told him "never again!" ... no more tree planting unless some nursery does it.  Last night I took some pain relievers.  Actually I don't know how he does this sort of thing day in, day out!  I guess that's what keeps him thin ...  It will be a miracle if I get all of my flower beds cleaned up before it is time to plant the garden!  Have three beds to go ...

Last night I went to UMW; my first meeting since we've been back from Texas.  It was good to get back with the women and hear what is going on with them, and with the state organization as well.  We are lucky to have our local unit president also serving as state secretary this year.  She is one busy lady!  Our home extension club, Jolly Homemakers, is having a baby shower for the crisis pregnancy center in Spencer and I'm going to a committee meeting for that tomorrow.  That should be fun!

Tonight we're taking Steve and Dodie out to dinner as a 'thank you' for looking after our house while we were gone.  This will be fun!  What special neighbors!  No way will a dinner re-pay them for their vigilance.  I suspect Steve drove his gator over here almost every day!  We are blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Neil said this tree could of lived it's whole life at the edge of the woods! You must of been in a pain haze when you said the tree you moved was about 10ft tall. Or maybe Wendell was on his knees in the hole next to it?? LOL


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