Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The weekend ...

It was an enjoyable and eventful weekend. We left Friday a.m. for Bluffton for the family Reunion. Stayed in one of the cottages at River Terrace the night before the reunion because we didn't want to get up when the rooster crows at home. (It's a 4-hour drive.) Told Wendell that if the place had a 2-car garage I could live in something that size. But not in Bluffton ... LOL! I cannot put into words the way I feel about that drive between my home and Bluffton ... (actually I just tried but deleted it).

I had a super good time seeing all of the cousins! Some I hadn't seen for a few years. River Terrace has a nice building we were allowed to use and it was very convenient for Mom. The food was excellent and we enjoyed taking pictures of each other, eating, exchanging email addresses and sitting around just catching up! We decided we need to do this more often (like every other year instead of every 5-10 years!). My cousin Phyl and brother Don worked to put it together but Carl started the ball rolling. Group think! Our person-who-traveled-the-greatest-distance award went to nephew John who lives in CA and was in town for his 10-year class reunion. Brother Gale and Mad were only able to drop by to say 'hi' because they were in Bluffton for Mad's 50th class reunion! (Hope they had a great day.) It was just an all-around good day.

The highlight for me was picking up some new recipes ... no, not from the wonderful food brought to this event but special sandwich combinations involving peanut butter. Sister Teresa mentioned peanut butter with bananas (ala' Elvis). Not to be topped, Buck said he was partial to peanut butter (smooth) with EGG SALAD! Then the piece de' resistance was Carl's peanut butter and tomato sandwich -- and when he's feeling daring he TOPS it (only on the top) with potato chips! WOW! I am maybe willing to try one of these ... Hey, it sure was fun! Then we made that drive back home ... :-(

Sunday started early because I had to take ham to the breakfast at church (8:30!). It was a really good breakfast though because Cassie made pancakes! Yum! Had trouble staying awake through the sermon ... I'm used to the same old bowl of cereal with fruit! LOL! Afternoon was spent hooking; I'm close to finishing another row of that dreaded runner rug.

Wendell left late in the afternoon for the Colts/Steelers game, meeting Jeff for dinner before the game. It was a late start -- 8:20 p.m. About midnight he called to say Jeff had car trouble and he would be taking him to Kokomo and sleeping on his couch. Few minutes later Jeff called and I got online to look up 24-hour tow services; gave him 3 phone numbers -- he decided to have the car towed back to Kokomo. (Did I mention it was pouring rain in Indy and it's Sunday and it's after midnight? I felt so sorry for them.) So I went back to sleep ... about 4:30 (!!) Wendell was getting in bed! Wow! (Guess they had to wait a while for the tow to arrive.) What a night for the guys! They finally located a tow service ... the three #s I found online didn't pan out (moral of that story is forget the internet and use the Yellow Pages). I believe a AAA membership would be a good gift idea for Jeff for Christmas. I think he took Monday off! I know Wendell did ... he was supposed to be in Bloomington at 9:30 a.m. so I called and cancelled that appointment so he could sleep.

Did I mention the Colts lost?

So ... yesterday was productive. Had sewing day at a friend's house. It was good to have devoted sewing time AND spend that time with friends. Got half of Mystery Quilt #1 together! Today I think I have to make up for all of this fun by mowing ... before it rains again. That's life.

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