Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I guess winter is here ...

Well, it snowed today!  Pretty good, too.  We had to go to Terre Haute, and travel between Worthington and Shelburn was iffy with several cars in the ditch.  But when we got on U.S. 41 there it was AOK from there on in to TH.  If Wendell hadn't had to keep his appointment I think we might have called off that trip.  But it really went well.  Got some errands done and picked up a little extra present for Veronica at Nancy's Antique Mall.  Since we were ill our family Christmas was postponed until this weekend, so I have some bonus time for shopping.  Thankfully we are back to "normal" ... whatever that might be.

I have been enjoying going through some old family pictures, looking for some with my cousin or her family in them.  Of course you have to look through a lot of pictures to find what you're looking for, and that makes it fun.  Great memories!  I think I'll compile some for my sons.  I sure did put them into some awful outfits when they were kids and I think some of my friends would enjoy seeing those pix .....

Wendell & I have decided that if we hadn't bought a gallon of ice cream last week we would still be ill.  We've had a dish each evening and it has done wonders!  We're just about back to perfect health!  Ah, the wonder of chocolate!

Went to the UMW meeting tonight and our President forgot about it!  We are a small group so we called when she was 15 minutes late ... (She thought it was Monday all day today!  LOL!  Bless her heart!)  So we went ahead without her and did ok I guess.  We did a lesson, talked a little financial business, reported on our shopping trip for our Christmas children, and at the end of the meeting had a little fun.  One of the members, Barbara J., brought a HUGE bag of beautiful yarn donated to us for our new prayer shawl ministry by her sister-in-law.  So I brought some home to take with me to NM!   

Well, yesterday I started threading the heddles on my loom.  It is a very intensive job with much concentration involved.  If you skip a heddle, put two warp threads through one dent on the harp, not thread the proper harness (front, back, front, back, etc.), or fail to bring the warp threads through in the proper order, things get messed up.  I stopped OFTEN to run the treadles up and down and be sure I am threading it properly.  I have about 8" threaded with 22" more to go!  At the pace I worked yesterday it should take me about 6 more hours to finish.  I keep telling Wendell if I had a helper it would go faster but ..... (he's busy he says ...)  I don't know if I'll manage it but I would love to at least start a rug before we leave for New Mexico!  Wish me luck.  

More later about my 2011 new year resolutions and how I did ...  And what I have in store for 2012.  Keep warm!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I may live ...

Back row: Don, Phyllis, Gale; Front row, me, Dave, Jane.  This was taken in the front yard at the farm where we lived, just north of Domestic, Indiana.  I won't say how long ago ... 

Well ... I don't know.   I think I am somewhat better.

Thanks for emailing, calling or sending word in other ways, wishing for our speedy recovery.  Actually Wendell is just about back to normal.  He went to Terre Haute yesterday for two doctor appointments, plus did some shopping; he had a pretty full day.  And he is eating just fine, so I think he is on the mend. 

Me on the other hand ... not so much.  I finally gave in and went to the NP yesterday a.m. because my stomach flu has morphed into sinisitus.  (What else is new ... every time I'm ill it is a sinus thingy ...)  Anyway ... I'm now into the second day of antibiotics and a new med he gave me for cough suppression which is working pretty well btw ... it is the weirdest looking pill ... a little round clear pill that is about the size of a pellet gun pellet.  Goes down easy!  (Hey ... I think I'm recoverying my sense of humor!)  When Gary said the magic word, "antibiotic", I pictured instant cure but then he went on to say not to expect that ...  Said it might take a few days but it should do the trick.  If I could just stop coughing I would feel 100% better!

So, our family Christmas was postponed to a later date ... I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these drugs work for me and that I'll be up and around in a few more days.  Heaven help Wendell if I'm not ... I think his days of "nursing" are numbered (I'm not a good patient).  He sort of cringes now when I say, "Honey ......"

On the plus side, I have been enjoying catching up with my cousin Jane via email!  We will do more of that when I get better.  Yesterday I went through my pictures and dug out some old ones of the family with her or her parents in them.  The one above is of some of us "cousins" ... enjoy.  And thanks again for asking about how we're doing.  Have a blessed Christmas, everyone.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A picture is worth a thousand words ...

This is what I've been up to lately ... Ya gotta laugh, right?

Not very often both of us are ill at the same time.  It is truly awful.  So far we've just had your typical stomach flu symptoms but I'm feeling a scratchy throat coming on ... great.  Started late Sunday ..  family Christmas is Saturday and I wonder if I'll be participating.  ARGH!  Pray for me ......

Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them" ...

After attending a couple Christmas gatherings lately, I decided that the title of this John Ortburg book was true.  You know, when you're at an open house or party, and you try to be social and circulate, and you sit down just to talk for a little while (you think), and someone really opens up to you for the first time?  You get to know them better.  (That is not always a good thing but sometimes it truly IS!)  Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a guy that I would have never thought I had ANYTHING in common with.  Just a normal guy, husband of a friend, truck driver, quiet.  It is a real joy remembering the stimulating thoughts and ideas that we exchanged.  How often does that happen anymore?  Not often enough for me.  And makes me wish I "got out more".  Sometimes I miss living in Indy ...

Along the same lines, while visiting with Mother this week the chaplain stopped by our table while we were downstairs in the big living room for coffee.  He had just preached a funeral sermon for a 97-year-old woman who had meant a lot to him and he shared his story of her influence on his life.  Not a preachy sort of discussion, but a really good story about how she helped direct his life just by how she lived her life.  Having two stimulating conversations in one week is a good thing.

I had a wonderful surprise this a.m. when I got an email from my cousin Jane.  We had been out of touch.  She lives in Florida so we don't get to see each other anymore.  Christmas must be coming ... good things are happening!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

We got the loom warped!!!!!

Here it is, warped! YEAH!
We cranked on enough to do about 20 yards of rug(s).
Next I have to thread the heddles and harp.
I'll save that for another day ........

We worked out our own "tensioning" system with these clips, crowding the spools together. It worked perfectly! Not only was the loom given to me, but a wonderful weaver/friend gave me his old spool rack! (Thank you, Paul!)

This shows the warp thread being fed onto the sectional warping beam ...

Place cards Veronica & I made for Thanksgiving dinner ...

I feel a real sense of accomplishment today. After much talking the job to death, and with the help of Wendell, we finally tackled the job of warping the loom yesterday afternoon. Really, we intended to do it Monday but kept putting it off. Yesterday we actually went into town and fiddled around a few places, putting it off, before we went home and just got er' done! (Thanks to Denise at Worthington Antiques for once again letting us visit her loom and ask MORE questions.) I took the pictures above during the warping process ...

BTW ... we had a great family Thanksgiving with all of our little family here. There are only six of us total so we are small but mighty! We actually put the leaf in the table for this special dinner; that doesn't happen often ... The weather was so-so on "the day". The really nice day was Friday, so at least the kids had a nice day for travel. Veronica and I made place cards for everyone's place at the dinner table, did some beading, and flew kites. The guys got a new/used bumper on Jeff's truck in the afternoon, and we did a lot of eating in there, too. Played Uno and did some geocaching for a couple hours just before sunset. Yes, we packed a lot into a short period of time ... ( Picture of our place cards above.)

I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving Day, too. God bless...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Holiday Open House in Worthington was a success! The Holy Hookers had a rug display! Enjoy the pix...

Jane, Mike, Chuck & Deb had the lobby of Select Insurance in Worthington decorated for Christmas with this wonderful tree as the centerpiece. It was a great space for this display! Words can't express my appreciation for all they did to make the Holy Hookers rug show possible.

Rugs were displayed on this large green work table with matching chairs. My "Scrappy Squares" rug in on the floor below.

A couple of the rugs were displayed on this old office desk. My picnic basket with "Cat's Paws" lid sits below.

A general view of our display showing the antique office furniture that we were able to utilize.

Another view of the display in the lobby of Select Insurance.

Debbie and I worked together for this show. We demonstrated hooking and greeted people as they came in. A small door prize (a little mat) was given away. Deb works at Select Insurance and her help was invaluable. She served cookies and spiced cider from a decorated table. She completed this rug, called "Sheep with Flower Cart", early this year. It's displayed on an antique slant-top desk.

Becky's pillow (a gift to her Mother) was displayed on an old office chair.

Jane hooked this large chair pad from a Margo White design called "Springtime".

I brought this "Twin Cats" rug; thought the red and green colors would be appropriate. This rug is based on an antique pattern.

Since it was a holiday open house we had a couple of Christmas pieces. This "Folkart Santa" was done by Jane. It is a big rug and very impressive. Jane does excellent work!

This sweet little Santa chair pad is by Debbie; it was bound in homespun.

Jacque's "Running Horse" is a beauty! This was one of Jacque's first rugs and she did a great job. It is displayed on a table marked "free" ... and of course it flew out of there!

This little "Pumpkin Mat" was done by Nancy. She is a busy working woman and doesn't get to hook as much as she would like ... But she is very good at what she does.

Becky's "Pot of Posies" is a wonderful shape, don't you think? (Would make a good door topper.) Becky is a very precise hooker and I don't think she even needs to steam her rugs they are so even when she's done. Displayed on an antique office desk.

Jane had this wonderful table and chairs set up. Her "My Three Sons" rug is on top and my own four "Star" chair pads are on each chair (red, green, copper and gray).
BTW ... this table/chairs was for sale for $75 which I assume was snapped right up ...

I don't know what Jane calls this, but I entitled it "Moby Dick (the great white whale)". It is a cute little mat. Would be nice used as a table topper.

Stephanie's "July Cabin" was finished early this year. She entered it in the Owen County Fair this summer and received a blue ribbon! Way to go Steph!

This crescent shaped rug is called "Flowers in Bloom". Teresa found this old pattern and finished it this summer. I especially love the wool she chose for the border.

Deb hooked this "Flower Basket" mat and had it finished just in time for the show. Great job Debbie!

This rug is called "Cat's Paws" and was hooked by Becky. It is her own design and color plan. She has a wonder color sense!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Prayer shawl ...

I completed this prayer shawl Sunday; may still put fringe on the ends (?). I am going to try to talk my local UMW unit into starting a prayer shawl ministry at our church for members, families, friends and neighbors. We actually don't do a lot for our own church as a unit, so I'm going to present this idea to them next Tuesday. I know at least two of them knit or crochet already. Although we're a small unit in size (six active members), if we each made one shawl every six months we could give a shawl away every month. And there always seems to be a need for something like this to give as a comfort, to wrap around a person in grief, illness, recovery, etc.

I hope the other ladies will agree ... If we can do big things for strangers in Africa surely we can do this small thing for our own community.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Excellent week ...

Leeann's work space (with her priorities straight!)

Leeann's quilt top in progress

My work space and quilt top in progress

Jane's work space (isn't she neat!)

Jane's baby quilt in progress

Deb hooking (and watching IU basketball on TV, all at the same time!)

I've just had a great week. Been enjoying this really fine weather but last night the gloomy moved in; we had a real storm with wind but no damage. Wendell was cooking out on the deck and the rain started (of course) while he was out there, so he pulled the grill into the screened porch. Since I just freak out about the wind anymore, we moved the dinner to the wine room in the basement where it could be blowing 100 mph and you'd never hear it. Nice. By the time we finished a bottle and dinner it was calm top side. Ahhhhh ....

Had a wonderful retreat at Jane's last Friday & Saturday and I think all of us got a lot done! (Thank you again Jane for having us.) I know Leeann finished her quilt top and I am done with Benjie's mystery quilt #1 except for a couple of smallish borders. Some pix are above from the weekend. Jane has a WONDERFUL space for this sort of thing. We missed Benjie (she's in sunny FL) and Jane sent her a picture on the cell so she could share in a small way. Deb joined us and hooked. Jane was working on her newest grand baby's quilt. It was wonderful having all of that time to sew with no stopping except for short pizza and wine breaks and some sleep!

This week I'm trying to tie up loose ends and start thinking about Thanksgiving dinner and what I have to do revolving around that. I'll bet you're doing the same thing. Friday will be a fun day; I'm going to a quilt show in Columbus and stopping along the way at Homestead Weavers in Brown County. (I will get my loom warped and weave something before Christmas.) On the minus side, I took all of my hooking "stuff" back over to the garage so I probably won't get any more hooking (to amount to anything) done on that runner rug until the holidays are over. (Sigh ...)

This Saturday will be the Holy Hookers rug display at Select Insurance in Worthington from 10 to 2. I'm excited! I'm making labels on the printer and it looks like I need to email some of them again to bug them about bringing something! I probably should have done some sort of advertising, like an announcement in the local paper, but I just haven't gotten that done (yet). (Did I say I'm plenty good at procrastination?) But we'll be there if anyone knows about us or not. I'm thinking signage is all I need outside and hopefully the weather will be good enough to put a rug out front to point the way! People will be in town for the holiday open house and it will be fun! I was sad to hear that Wendy's antique shop will be closing after the holidays! Darn!

Have a blessed week!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hooking was last night ...

We had a great time at the Library. Librarian Andrea told me there were 12 of us. A good sized group. Since there were no newbies I got to hook, too! I took the rug that has the woman with weird hair and I'd say I have about 1/3 to go. It's a pretty large rug. I am determined to NOT start anything new until I have it AND the dreaded runner rug complete! (If I don't get it done by Jan. 1 I will probably put it away again .....) I am just so tired of it! BUT it would be nice to have it down in the hall and actually use it before we move away from here to a house without a hallway ... LOL!

Wendell & Neil have been cutting wood the past few days and I have been over at my work room sewing. I finally have the mystery quilt organized and now all I have to do is sew it together. Sounds easy, doesn't it. My friend Jane is having a sewing marathon at her house in a few days and I expect to get lots done there. Yeah! Looking forward to that ...

One of the things we discussed last night was our upcoming rug display at the Select Insurance offices on November 19 in Worthington. We are looking forward to having the use of that space, especially because Jane has assembled some wonderful antique pieces in their front lobby that we can utilize as display units for our rugs! And Deb says the tree will be up! I am so excited! That date is the official kick-off for Christmas by the merchants. Worthington has a great assortment of antiques shops now and we will be right next to the bestest one, Worthington Antiques. You just have to see this shop! I am thrilled that Jane & Mike have let us use their business for our rug display. I think it will be a nice complement to the merchant's holiday open house.

I'm going to add a "page", to the right, from our last rug display which was at the fire station in Worthington a.s.a.p. Let me know what you think. I'll call it Holy Hookers Spring Show.

Well, I gotta accomplish a few little jobs around here today. I finally have ALL of the flower beds ready for winter. But I want to finish taking in my flowers in pots before they freeze & crack. So I think I'll finish that after lunch (along with the obligatory load of laundry). Hung the sheets out yesterday and they got plenty o' wind; smell so good! Tonight I think we're going to the Gasthoff for dinner, if Wendell can stand up. Neil is working his butt off! (Actually I think it's a contest.) And W. doesn't have much of a butt to lose! LOL!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Some days away ...

Margo and I took a three day, two night sabbatical away from our normal routines. Everyone needs something like that from time to time, don't you think? We spent our time almost entirely at the retreat center of St. Meinrad Archabbey in southern Indiana. Although it was rainy, windy and miserable looking outside, it was nice inside. But sometimes you have to go out ... Let's just say that when your umbrella turns inside-out for the third time it's time to get inside.

The picture is a bouquet containing the last rose of summer from our Knock Out rose bush, and the left-over carnations from Jeff's birthday bouquet, in this sweet soft-pink vase I found at Ferdinand Antique Emporium on our way down. I LOVE it ... We did go out to Boonville one a.m. and shopped at the Village Mercantile. Ran into a fellow hooker from Tell City ... yes, it's a small world Mary! I would recommend that shop if you're ever in the Boonville, Ind. area. LOADED with fabric but also lots of seasonal decor. Betty (shop owner) has the most samples of any quilt shop I have been in; this gives you a very good visual and inspiration for your own sewing projects. What Margo and I both loved was the display pieces she uses to show off her merchandise. Way cool ...

First morning there after breakfast we took a self-guided tour. (yes, it was drizzling ...) Saw the archabbey (church), the Chapter Room, the memorial entry, and the (modern) library. My favorite place on the tour was the Chapter Room. It is where the monks conduct business. If you want to read about it visit this website. (I hope the link works; I cut & pasted it here.)

Even on this website the pictures don't begin to touch the special beauty and significance of this space. You just have to see it in person. I suppose this is weird, but as a hooker I only had eyes for the possibilities for rug borders from the paintings on the ceilings. Each of the 12 ceiling panels had a different border on each side! Awesome! I want to take Wendell there and tour the archabbey and visit this room with him (and take my camera!). It may not sound interesting but you'd just have to be there ......... The monks wear the dark brown robes and the first evening at dinner one of them came around with a cart, offering wine. What a warm welcome ... St. Meinrad was all about hospitality.

So it's off to a new week here. Yesterday I organized my quilting/sewing projects and refamiliarized myself with some sewing I hadn't visited for several months. Planned a new project -- making an old-fashioned clothes pin bag. Put 'another' coat of finish on my work room windowsill. And got several more bags of mulch to finish putting my flower beds to sleep for the winter. Going to sew with my sweet sewing buddies today (hope everyone will be there). Then Thursday I'll get to spend some time with my friend Teresa. She is waiting to hear about a possible job so I'm saying a little prayer for her.

Now, if I can just get myself back in the mood to finish that runner rug! Would like to have it done by Thanksgiving but you know, that is only a month away!!! ARGH!!! Have a blessed week.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Busy, blustery Monday ...

Had a busy day ... Put two coats of poly/stain on the window sill that will complete my work room window replacement. LAUNDRY of course. And since it was nice and windy hung out two of the loads. The sheets always smell so good that way. But was most happy to complete some more fall yard work. Spread mulch in three flower beds and finally finished cleaning out the last flower bed -- YEAH! But there is still a lot to do out there ... Hope to get it done before the snow flies. For dinner tonight I made wild rice soup. It was absolutely delicious if I must say so myself. Yum! After dinner I just sat and crocheted ... soooooooo tired!

The picture above was taken Saturday, more than a week after receiving this beautiful bouquet from Jeff for my birthday! These flowers have lasted longer than usual for sure and are still lovely. (Thanks Jeff!) I had such a great birthday this year. Maybe I love autumn because my birthday comes then(?). Whatever ... I love this time of year.

Wendell & I went geocaching again last Saturday and found 16. That is the most caches we have ever found in one day! We're getting close to 100 total! There is an SC2000 series of caches near Washington, around the I-69 construction area, that has 33 caches within about a 10 miles route. We got about half of them! Maybe we can get down there and get the other half before Christmas and before it gets too cold to want to be outside poking around around stop signs, fence posts and bridge rails!

It was so breezy today that I got out my kite and flew it a couple times. That was fun!

Off tomorrow for a little retreat with Margo to St. Meinrad. Just a girlfriend thing. We need some quiet time. Have a blessed week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My life recently -- in pictures ...

We did geocaching both Friday and Saturday and had a 100% day on Saturday ... a first for us, finding eight geocaches in the Washington IN area. Luck was with us I guess. Since I felt lucky I bought a Hoosier Lotto ticket but only had one number. (Don't push your luck ... lol.) Then the Colts lost again Sunday ...
There's a cache near this covered bridge in Putnam County ...

Two goats in a cart. being pulled by a team of horses, meeting a modern John Deere tractor. Taken in the Cannelburg area on the way home Saturday from our search for geocaches in Daviess County.

Celebrated my birthday last Friday and this is the lovely bouquet Jeff got me. What beautiful flowers; thanks Jeff! It was a good day all around. We took off after an early lunch and did some geocaching and just enjoyed the beautiful fall colors in the country. It was a great day. We met Jeff for dinner at Almost Home in Greencastle and had a very nice evening, too.

Here's my new work room window! Yeah! Randy did a dandy job. Today I cleaned up my work room, ridding it of drywall dust and OLD spider webs. And I'm not done yet. I just ran down at about 1:00, stopped for lunch and never got back out there. I had all of these grand ideas that I was going to clean out that last flower bed this afternoon ... yeah, right.

While at the normal cleaning jobs over there I started collecting "stuff" for a garage sale. This needed to be done. Also decided to eliminate anything related to needlepoint so that is another small cache of books, yarn, etc. to add to the "to sell" pile. I still have the closet and a cupboard to go through ... I think I'll concentrate on rug hooking, quilting and crochet and let the other hobbies rest.

Tomorrow I'll start priming and painting around the new window so it will really be done. And order a new window shade.

Saw this field of corn shocks (sp?) recently while driving in the country. Since we live near an Amish community we get to see lots of interesting scenes such as these. This takes me back in time ... My grandpa Lee used to do this. And he had two big beautiful gray Percheron horses.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The last tomato of summer ...

Here it is. Thank goodness. But it is a beauty. (Actually I have a few Romas left in the frig. But this is the last biggie.)

I've enjoyed the garden this year more than usual, though it was not all together successful. I put aside lots of beets, okra and pickles. And we enjoyed the early things so much -- onions, spinach, radishes and lettuce. We have two small volunteer cantalope that Wendell is babying along out there but I fear that the frost will get to them before we do. The garden is gone. I cut down the dry asparagus and pulled the weeds from the asparagus patch couple weeks ago, too.

Yesterday I cleaned out another flower bed and only have one to go! (Yeah!) Dug my surprise lilies because I'm going to move them and OMG ... they multiplied. I think my 6 stems turned into about 20. No kidding.

Tonight is Holy Hookers at the Library. I'm expecting a newbie so I'm not taking any hooking for myself. I have lots of books packed in the car for ideas for the winter; hookers like to plan ahead! And they like to look at hooking books, too. Hopefully I'll have some time to circulate and visit, too ...

While looking through my pictures of the family reunion I see a really neat one of my sister eating Ready Whip from the can ... but I'd better not post it here without her permission ......... But it is so good! ;-)

Today has been a busy one. Laundry (of course). Packing the car for tonight. Fixed lunch for Wendell & Randy, who is here to put in my new workroom window. I guess the old one was in even worse shape than we knew, with water damage on and below the sill plate that they found when the old window was removed. So glad this is being done before winter! Made chilli soup and apple salad for the guys and I ate a late lunch because I usually don't get dinner on hooking nights until after 8:30. Wendell is going to the WRVAA meeting tonight and it's their after-the-show pitch in dinner (they pat each other on the back for such a good show I'm guessing, plus lots of reports from each department), so after lunch was cleaned away I made a corn salad for him to take to that. I love that salad and have never made it for just the two of us! It seems I always make it for group dinners. Got the recipe from a fellow extension homemaker. [I think I'll post some special recipes like that in "pages".]

Last weekend we really enjoyed the wine and art festival in Palestine IL. The weather was gorgeous. It gets bigger each year; always the first weekend of October (Sat. & Sun.) ... check it out! High point of the day for me was going into Steve Meadows' shop ... it is gorgeous. He turns found objects into art. You will never look at a rusted tea kettle in the same way after seeing his stuff. High point for Wendell was being the designated taster since I was the designated driver. (I did sip a couple.)

Life is good ...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

OK ...

I had a couple requests to again put the instructions on how to make the hooked or prodded lapel pins back up here. So I have decided to add it in "Pages", just over to your right. Please let me know if this is working for you who requested it.

Thanks for your interest! And have fun ...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ta da (again) ...

Finished another row tonight ... since I mowed this afternoon and cleaned this a.m. this is a miracle!

But I was very close
to begin with.....


The weekend ...

It was an enjoyable and eventful weekend. We left Friday a.m. for Bluffton for the family Reunion. Stayed in one of the cottages at River Terrace the night before the reunion because we didn't want to get up when the rooster crows at home. (It's a 4-hour drive.) Told Wendell that if the place had a 2-car garage I could live in something that size. But not in Bluffton ... LOL! I cannot put into words the way I feel about that drive between my home and Bluffton ... (actually I just tried but deleted it).

I had a super good time seeing all of the cousins! Some I hadn't seen for a few years. River Terrace has a nice building we were allowed to use and it was very convenient for Mom. The food was excellent and we enjoyed taking pictures of each other, eating, exchanging email addresses and sitting around just catching up! We decided we need to do this more often (like every other year instead of every 5-10 years!). My cousin Phyl and brother Don worked to put it together but Carl started the ball rolling. Group think! Our person-who-traveled-the-greatest-distance award went to nephew John who lives in CA and was in town for his 10-year class reunion. Brother Gale and Mad were only able to drop by to say 'hi' because they were in Bluffton for Mad's 50th class reunion! (Hope they had a great day.) It was just an all-around good day.

The highlight for me was picking up some new recipes ... no, not from the wonderful food brought to this event but special sandwich combinations involving peanut butter. Sister Teresa mentioned peanut butter with bananas (ala' Elvis). Not to be topped, Buck said he was partial to peanut butter (smooth) with EGG SALAD! Then the piece de' resistance was Carl's peanut butter and tomato sandwich -- and when he's feeling daring he TOPS it (only on the top) with potato chips! WOW! I am maybe willing to try one of these ... Hey, it sure was fun! Then we made that drive back home ... :-(

Sunday started early because I had to take ham to the breakfast at church (8:30!). It was a really good breakfast though because Cassie made pancakes! Yum! Had trouble staying awake through the sermon ... I'm used to the same old bowl of cereal with fruit! LOL! Afternoon was spent hooking; I'm close to finishing another row of that dreaded runner rug.

Wendell left late in the afternoon for the Colts/Steelers game, meeting Jeff for dinner before the game. It was a late start -- 8:20 p.m. About midnight he called to say Jeff had car trouble and he would be taking him to Kokomo and sleeping on his couch. Few minutes later Jeff called and I got online to look up 24-hour tow services; gave him 3 phone numbers -- he decided to have the car towed back to Kokomo. (Did I mention it was pouring rain in Indy and it's Sunday and it's after midnight? I felt so sorry for them.) So I went back to sleep ... about 4:30 (!!) Wendell was getting in bed! Wow! (Guess they had to wait a while for the tow to arrive.) What a night for the guys! They finally located a tow service ... the three #s I found online didn't pan out (moral of that story is forget the internet and use the Yellow Pages). I believe a AAA membership would be a good gift idea for Jeff for Christmas. I think he took Monday off! I know Wendell did ... he was supposed to be in Bloomington at 9:30 a.m. so I called and cancelled that appointment so he could sleep.

Did I mention the Colts lost?

So ... yesterday was productive. Had sewing day at a friend's house. It was good to have devoted sewing time AND spend that time with friends. Got half of Mystery Quilt #1 together! Today I think I have to make up for all of this fun by mowing ... before it rains again. That's life.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Six more rows to go!!! ...

Just a quick post to put up this picture of progress on my runner rug.

Going out and cut down and pull up some flowers after lunch. Will dry some celosia for next year's seeds. Gotta cut down the asparagus bed and pull out the worst of the weeds there. Yesterday I pulled out the zinnias by the front door and will replace with ornamental cabbages so it will look good for a few weeks. I love this time of year but I know it will soon be cold hands and feet weather ...

Got my hair cut yesterday ... am spiky again! Did several errands in Bloomington as well as the dreaded grocery shopping. Bought some more yarn and crocheted another washcloth last night. Soon I must progress beyond sc and try something like a hat (all I've made so far are scarves, washcloths and coasters).

Getting ready for a family reunion this weekend. Should be fun re-connecting with cousins and nephews I haven't seen in ages.

Next week I begin autumn for real. Life goes on ...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another row, another week ...

While hooking I drape the rug over a spare chair
to keep the weight off of the stand. Works pretty well ...

Finished another row on this runner rug after several weeks "off". Moving it back to the house was the thing ... Just 7 rows to go!

Also, my work room is now in a small mess due to replacement of a window. So I won't be able to work over there for a while anyway ... The window needed replacing, plus the new window will be bigger [ = more light for me :-) ] My friend Teresa was over yesterday and I cleaned off a table up there so we could look at rug hooking books. Alas we had no luck finding what we were looking for, but we did have a wonderful visit. Plus a cup of tea later! Teresa brought the best banana bread to go with it ... thanks God for friends.

Today is gloomy and overcast but I won't complain ... we need all of the rain we can get. Got some round steak out of the freezer and think I'll make baked steak with dressing tonight. Seems like the kind of weather for such a meal. We're doing some normal house cleaning today ... about time! When I hook in here the dust bunnies multiply. Perhaps I'll have time to start another row (?) .......

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friendship last week ...

Just some of the reenacter camps at Friendship, IN.

Inside a typical tent where they stayed for the week.

My newest heroine! She was some shooter and just about my age.
And of course she loaded her own.

Wendell & I went to Madison for three days last week and enjoyed the time away. The weather was just ideal -- typical wonderful fall-like Indiana weather. We stayed at the Clifty Falls State Park Inn and the only downer was that due to lack of rain recently there was no water going over the falls. No problem! One day was spent in the town of Madison where we visited shops and enjoyed a couple of restaurants.

One day we drove out to Friendship to the NMLRA event there; it's all about muzzle loaders. We enjoyed watching shooting with modern muzzle-loaded long guns, hand guns, and antique weapons. They were shooting at targets, clays, etc. Also there were bow/arrow shooting, hatchet and long knife throwing, and in the primitive area there were people in period costume shooting antique muzzle loaders at targets. I got a kick out of one target; a red-coat! Also there was a huge area for reenacters. It was fun walking from tent to tent, looking at how they live there for the week. I know a lot of time and effort went into making each encampment as authentic as possible.

There was a great Indian fry bread tent and you could have anything on fry bread! Savory or sweet! It was a great place for lunch. We met a few really nice people at lunch and enjoyed hearing about how they enjoy this as a hobby, how they got interested, how long they've been doing it, etc.

There were two large flea market areas in addition to permanent booths on the main grounds selling everything related to muzzle loaders, reenacters, and beyond, and since we put the "marketing" off until the end of the day we only hit one of the two flea market areas. We were tired!

The drive home was good but we hated to end our little vacation. We took highway 250 west and it is a twisty, turny highway and very scenic. Just our kind of road.

Saturday night we were pleased to visit some friends' new home ... lovely! It was a great way to end a good week. Sunday I stayed home from the Colts game and hooked and am almost done with another row of my runner rug! YEAH! The Colts, not so much 'yeah' ...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Crocheting ...

Today has been weird! It is so cold here I can't believe it. Right now my toes and hands are as cold as if it were winter. Looks like rain (which we need) but we don't get any.

Tomorrow I work at the antique steam & tractor show in Elnora. My hooking guild always used to demonstrate rug hooking there but for some reason this year they decided not to do it. (I don't understand.) So I volunteered to take tickets at one of the gates in the a.m. instead. That should be fun; I like to meet people. I'll dress warm! Then I will be free to look at everything when my shift is over! In the past I didn't get to visit the entire show like I will be able to this year, so I guess not demonstrating rug hooking has some advantages. I think it is just hard to get people to commit to anything anymore, don't you? ... Just my opinion.

Today while I had some time to myself I crocheted some more. I've attached a picture of three scraves I've made recently, red white & blue ... I'm in a 9/11 mood I guess. Also hooked a little on my lady with the wild socks rug ... I should take a picture of it too to show you, but I'm ashamed to say I have not accomplished anything on that runner rug, so I'm not going to take pictures of ANY of my hooking until I get back on track!

I read recently where you shouldn't use caps or exclamation marks so much in your writing on the computer. Forget that! That is how I express myself! LOL!

Funny thing happened on the way home from seeing the kids (Michigan) Sunday. We got into a traffic jam on US31 south out of South Bend. We couldn't figure out what was going on. People were out in their yards like they were waiting for a parade or something and they kept looking to the north. This went on until we reached highway 6; it took us 45 minutes to make those few miles! Awful. Well, anyway, at one point we were sitting, stopped, in two lanes of traffic as far as you could see in front of you and behind you (just the southbound lanes); there was a person sitting on his porch and we were stopped right there. I rolled down my window and asked 'what are we waiting for?' He said (I thought ...) "the NBA ride". (National Basketball Association I thought ???) Actually I didn't reply because I was still trying to figure this out and just as I rolled up the window he added 'don't get your undies in a twist'. Wendell said, 'what did he say!?' and I just didn't respond because I didn't want conflict. So we moved along ... Finally I figured out, duh ... Labor Day weekend ... Jerry Lewis ... MDA telethon! We found out later it was a motorcycle ride starting somewhere in South Bend and it was BEHIND us ... go figure ... WHY the traffic was tied up in FRONT of a motorcycle ride? Who knows ...

It's good to be home.

I've added a few more old pictures to the bottom of the blog. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A blast from the past ...

I'm pasting some old pictures I found today at the bottom of this blog ... been strolling down Memory Lane.

Like I said earlier here, it's all about me (LOL!). Enjoy ... and no smart remarks!

[In front of Wendell's house, leaning on his car, about 16 or 17 (?)]