Thursday, May 17, 2012

My life recently, in pictures ...

We've been enjoying asparagus from the garden for a few weeks and I think it's about time to let it go to seed.  It is beginning to be not as tender.  And you can only eat and give away so much asparagus.  But it's been wonderful while it lasted.
We took a day trip to central IL and toured the Abe Lincoln log cabin recently.  This is where the Lincoln family lived from the time they left Indiana (when he was a teenager) until he left home; just a few months.  It is an interpretive setting with two farms plus a very nice museum.  But sort of off the beaten path!
I found this little original oil painting at the Goodwill Store in Bloomington.  It is so precious!  And for 99 cents ... what a deal.  I'll find a good frame for it and put it somewhere where it can be enjoyed when winter rolls around.
Since Veronica outgrew this little child's lawn chair, I cut a hole in the seat and put a clay pot in it.  When I won a shamrock plant at the March meeting of Jolly Homemakers, I thought 'perfect!'.  It looks good in the corner of the porch and is blooming like crazy.
Mother's Day has come and gone.  I hope you had a good day, too.  Adrian, Gloria and Veronica sent me this beautiful arrangement!  The mercury glass vase is especially fine.  Now how did they know that any yellow flower is my favorite?!
I've been working on these okra Santa ornaments for a looooooooong time (I dried the okra from last year's garden).  I actually finished them yesterday by adding twisted wire hangers (not pictured).  They will make nice gifts because, after all, who needs this many okra Santas?!
The last three reunion books!  When we finish these I'll be DONE.  My high school 50th class reunion is this weekend and this has been a major project for several weeks.  It was always there ... My only regrets is that the black and white copies are not as good as I had hoped.  The originals were not always good, but nevertheless they should have copied better than they did.  But you know, I'm a perfectionist and it just bugs me that they're not perfect ...  This is a good way to close.  It's my life.

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