Thursday, July 12, 2012

This n' that ...

Got another row done on that blessed runner rug ... have been feeling a little under the weather but some sulfa drugs from the dr. has made me almost back to normal.  I have pushed myself nonetheless because the county fair is next week and had some things to prep for that ...

Here's the latest progress pix ... Yeah!
Or maybe I should show it like this!  That at the bottom ... that's THE END!
I can hardly believe I am so close to the end of this rug and trust that nothing will happen to deter me from completing it this time around.  It has been years since I started it; I can't remember when exactly.  Still have to finish that other rug; the woman with the red hair.  Then I can start something FRESH!

Wendell dug the garlic yesterday and it is so pathetic.  Some plants were just nothing, others looked like one bulb.  The (very) few larger ones are about the size of a hulled walnut.  But it is drying on the front porch and I'm thankful for what we have.  He dug up what was left of the green beans; the rabbits ate them to just a leafless stalk.  Last night something charged the garden electric fence in two places, breaking it down but the corn, tomatoes and peppers are still intact.  I think some of the plant-eating animals are getting desperate now, there is so little vegetation left.  The queen Anne's lace is the only thing blooming in our prairie area.  Rugged coneflowers even failed me this year.  The black eyed Susans looked good for a while then one day I looked and they seemed to wither overnight.

Other things are drying up too ... I heard an interesting statistic on the news two days ago.  In the last reported month only 84,000 new jobs were created in the U.S.  However the same month 85,000 people went on disability.  Scary, no?

I'm reading a really good book of short stories about women.  It's called Ordinary Lives.  Since I've lived 67 years I can see something of myself in each story so far.  I feel normal.  Not the "new normal", the old kind.

PS ... I passed the PAP test, too.  I'm good to go for another year!  Of course there is always that 50 # I want to loose but ........
PPS ... I know that for some reason you can't comment here and I am sorry.  I miss your comments!  I continue to look at all of the settings but believe it has to do with my AVG virus tool bar which "they say" is active but shows as turned off.  I will continue to search for the answer ...  I love to get emails!


  1. testing to see if this works.

    did you enter something into the fair.

  2. woot - that works - from now on I will be anonymous.


Let me hear from you! -- JF