Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas blessings ...

Our little family had the annual get-together at son Jeff's apartment and it was a great day.  Six adults and one special grandchild were there.  Everyone arrived safely, a wonderful lunch was served and savored, presents were distributed and opened with all of the appropriate oh's and ah's, and family news was exchanged.  Veronica was the center of our world; children are what Christmas is all about, don't you think?  It was the most fun watching her open her presents and line them all up; she is a great little organizer.  I enjoyed checking out what she got myself.  With so many things to choose from when purchasing for a child, it is easy to please them, I think.  She is counting the days until Christmas and told us all just how many "to go".  I passed along several of my hooked rugs to my family.  Ah, that felt good!

My life has not been going as smoothly as I would like recently (health problems) but I am counting my blessings that even so I am who I am, where I am, and what I am.  For instance, even though Wendell and I were not feeling well this a.m. and worried that we might give our colds away at church, we went anyway and did our part.  We tried not to shake too many hands, hug too many special people, or talk right into any one's face!  LOL!  It was our honor to light the fourth candle on the Advent wreath, the first time since we started going to Freedom Church that we have been asked to do so.  I think we would have had to be VERY ill to miss that!  What a privilege to tell the story of Mary and her special day.  Then we had a lessons-and-carols sort of Christmas program and I read scripture for that, also.  The best part each year is the children's bell choir; they love to play the bells and it is really just a lot of disjointed ringing from some of the youngest ones but watching the looks on their faces is pure entertainment.  We topped off the morning by distributing the 2013 Church Directory which I created on my trusty little computer.

This afternoon we're just doing a lot of nothing.  It will be a busy week.  For you too, right?  My wish for you is the best possible Christmas this year.  Keep positive and continue to do good works.

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