Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I am so over this winter ...

Wendell and I celebrated our 51st wedding anniversary yesterday.  We had planned to go to Bloomington and have a nice lunch and take in a movie but since it started with the freezing rain deal as we drove out of the driveway, we only went as far as Spencer.  And if you know Spencer, you know there is not a very good selection of places to eat there.  (sigh ...)  But we had our lunch there anyway.  And I had a very good bowl of loaded baked potato soup.  Yum!  It was the highlight of my day.  (What does that tell you?)  But just making it past the 50 year mark is a very good thing and a lot to celebrate.  Talked to both of "the kids" in the last two days so I'm content.  Sigh!  I am blessed.

We have been laughing and making fun of ourselves a lot lately.  And asking each other deep, profound, meaningful questions lately such as ... Why are we here (this winter)?  Why is it snowing so much (on us)?  Why is my arthritis bothering me more this year?  Will our propane last till spring?  What's the meaning of life? .....  Yeah, like that.  

On Valentine's Day we started driving to a winery in Illinois and ended up turning around in Terre Haute and coming back home because of a heavy snow.  (Well, we did do several errands while we were there ...)  We were in the car!  We got all of the way home and Wendell (who had only been driving since we stopped for gas in Jasonville!) got stuck in our driveway!  Like I said, you gotta laugh.  Thank goodness he has the 4-wheel drive truck to pull us up the hill ...

I've been cleaning and clearing again and I gotta say I have made more trips to Goodwill and the Re-Store this winter than any time in my life.  Of course, you know how that goes.  Some day soon I'll be looking for something I donated and have to go buy another one. 

I'm reading, hooking, weaving and crocheting.  Keeping busy.  That's what I've been up to.  How about you?