Wednesday, June 4, 2014

At last some much-needed rain ...

It's sort of comforting to just sit and listen the rain sometimes.  That's what I'm doing right now!  Of course, the lightning woke me up last night -- no thunder, just lightning I could "see" even with my eyes closed.  At first I thought I was waking because I was developing another floater and it scared me.  Then I was really awake and knew it was just a spring rain coming.  And it poured!  I cuddled up to Wendell and went back to sleep.

Today we're going out to lunch somewhere.  And do some antique shopping for a mission oak side chair to use with my "new" desk.  I am a feet-dragger when it comes to finishing up a project such as this -- getting just the right lamp and chair and other accouterments that will settle in with that desk.  It's fun.  But in my case it may take a few months ...

Well, here's what's happening with us  ...

Got this still life for a quarter at a yard sale recently.  I'm a sucker for original stuff, whether it's good or not!  I guess I admire people who can paint in oils with even passable talent.

We went for a drive a week or so ago and when we're near Merom, Indiana we ALWAYS have to stop and look at the breathtaking view from the bluff.  You can see a long way; for instance the refinery at Robinson is clearly visible.  I didn't bother to put a picture of that view here because a photo just can't capture what you see with your eyes....

Anyone who follows the pronouncements of our current president will appreciate why I turned around and went back to take a picture of this sign at the entrance to a coal mine south of Carlisle.  I'm surprised it hasn't been vandalized ...

Here's Randy working on replacing one of the three windows on the first floor of the garage.  It's all done now except painting the inside trim.  I have the primer coat on and will paint it tomorrow (when it's supposed to be less humid).  I'm afraid that when I see the windows painted I'll think I have to paint the walls downstairs .... (sigh!)  What we're hoping for is better weather protection and fewer Asian beetles!

Mom is not feeling well and that's been on my mind.  The asparagus is almost done and has been delicious!  The garden is growing and needs to be tilled.  The grass is almost always in need of cutting.  With all this rain I'm frequently looking at the windows and shaking my head.  Other than that all is well in my little corner of Greene County.  It's my life, for now ...