Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year ... (and I'm way overdue for this post)

Yes, it's been more than a month since I've posted here.  Been busy and also suffering from a sinus 'thing' ... but here I am now, as of yesterday, in Sierra Vista, AZ.  It's beautiful and sunny outside.  We were outside in the condo complex earlier this a.m. and though I went out with a coat on, I soon was feeling the heat on my back from the sun.  It's only 51 here (and I'm seeing 56 back home) but with the bright sun it feels warmer.  We have a beautiful view out our front windows of the Huachuca Mountains! 

We like this place, a lot!  Only one drawback -- it's on the top (3rd) floor and there's no elevator.  We learned yesterday just how strong Wendell's heart is because he made numerous trips up and down, hauling 'stuff' in from the truck.  He wouldn't let me do that but a couple times because of my bum knee.  He's the best.  The owners came over as we were unpacking and helped carry in, too.  They are SO nice!  Mark & Kim.  Kim is from Connersville!  (It's a small world.)  Anyway, later I'll put some picture on here of this condo.  They definitely have made us feel right at home.

Well, to go back in time, here's what was happening with me in December ...
I'm helping my friend Jane with Project Kindness.  Here's a throw a couple of the women completed during our last work session.  Before we left, I left Jane with fabric for two more throws and am looking forward to seeing pictures of them in the future (hint, hint).  Also did two lap quilt tops myself (below) and left with Jane for tying or quilting ...
This one was made from left-over squares (actually triangles) of a larger quilt I made recently.  They might add some touchables to this for a fidget lap quilt.

This one was made from nine 12" squares that I did, thinking some day I'd make a bed-size quilt.  Yeah, right ... like I could complete this 1" square project in my lifetime.  Someone else can enjoy this and that UFO is out of my sewing room!  Done and done!
We went to the Indiana State Museum in mid-December, especially to see the Christmas décor, eat lunch in the reproduction L.S. Ayres Tea Room, and to see the special exhibit of 200 items from Indiana's history (since we celebrated our 200th birthday December 11).  Here's the hand-written constitution of our state!  I felt so proud, seeing this document on display!

And on a lighter note, this is Bobby Plump's senior letterman's jacket.  Who in Indiana doesn't know all about this item!?
Here's a photo of the main entrance with the Christmas tree -- it had ornaments representing all 90 Indiana counties.  If you're never been to our state museum, you should go.  Well worth your time!
Last but not least, can you guess what this is made of?  Compact discs!  This is a close-up of a HUGE display as you entered the garage floor level.  I took so many pictures that day, wish I could share more of them but don't want to bore you.
We had a really good family Christmas which unfortunately Wendell and I ruined for everyone with our sinus infections (yes, we've had them for some time now and antibiotics haven't touched them ...).  But we had as good a time as we could have.  Two highlights were Veronica opening her presents and our trip to see Cirque du Soleil as a family.  Such a great afternoon; thanks Jeff and Jane for thinking of this!  I think we all enjoyed that as a closing to our family Christmas.  (Now, how will we follow that next Christmas?)  It snowed and snowed up in Grand Rapids.  So Santa had no problems delivering presents in that part of the country!

I'll keep you updated on what we're doing here.  We prayed for a safe drive here and we had one.  Pretty uneventful but interesting.  We did about half interstate, half state highways.  We're here and looking forward to a sunny winter.  God bless you wherever you are and whatever you're doing right now!

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