Monday, August 28, 2017

Ups and downs and ups ...

Boy has this been a strange summer.  The weather was cool, then too wet, then too hot, and now too dry.  We did have a few sprinkles last night.  While the poor folks in TX are being inundated with more than they would want in a year!  Also, in our own life, we've had our ups and downs.  Started out great for Wendell with him feeling fine, then it started to go south, followed by a few weeks of feeling awful, then surgery, and now he's almost back to where we started from in the spring.  So, in other words, I don't want to wish my life away but I'll be glad when autumn gets here!  (It's my favorite season anyway!)

Met my friend Teresa Benassi recently for lunch at McCormick's Creek State Park. We had a great time catching up on what's been happening in each other's lives. She brought along this rug to show me; she completed it recently. Doesn't it have a wonderful old-fashioned look!?  I LOVE it!  The colors look so much better "in person" than in this picture. I love the border! Teresa is a very talented person who is also a human dynamo. (She told me she had canned 24 jars of raspberry preserves the evening before. She works full-time, too!)

This was taken outside the entrance to the Nature Center at McCormick's Creek.  The wild flowers growing there were outstanding.  I enjoyed watching a crow at their bird bath, too. I've gotta say that I've never seen a crow at a bird bath!  (and I hope they don't start frequenting mine, either ...)

I'm really enjoying being part of Jane Steward's "project kindness" in Worthington.  We meet once a month and sew various items for people and places that need them.  Below are pictured some surgery dolls we've been working on.  We also do fringed fleece blankets and we just started making bibs for patients at a local healthcare facility.  What can I say -- it keeps us off the streets ...

Okay, just quickly, here's some other stuff I've seen or done recently. I guess I've been more occupied than I thought.  And thrown in there was a GREAT visit from our family. They came down to visit Wendell on his birthday, July 31.  

I cut four more rugs off the loom couple weeks ago.  Left to right they're made from a white chenille bedspread, four pieces of recycled wool, striped & printed t-shirts, and cream colored loopers (sock tops).

At hooking Guild this month we had a guest who brought along this unusual Cathedral Windows quilt to show us.  We were all super thrilled that she shared it with us!  All I can say about the woman who made this is WOW!  Great Job!

We had a crop duster buzz the house again this year.  This happened year before last, too, when the farmer across the road has corn.  It was thrilling, watching him make the cut up to avoid the trees in front of our house!  Again -- Wow!

Well, Wendell is doing so much better following his surgery in July. Right now he's out supervising a crew trimming and cutting trees here. He's dragging brush. He had a very favorable report at the doctor a week ago and we couldn't be happier. God is truly good! And I hope you have just as good a day as I'm having today!

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