So, anyway, I need to catch up here since January is flying by! This has been a slow winter for me. We're not doing much except going to doctor appointments it seems. I have done some weaving and dyeing wool for rug hooking. Also did a 'little' needlepunch -- I enjoy that! We're used to going away for a few weeks and here we are, stuck in Indiana. But thankfully we've had unusually warm temps, so I'm happy with that. And today is sunny and clear. What more could a person ask? I need to quit complaining! Being with your church family, enjoying a good breakfast, a singing service at church, a quiet afternoon with my hubby -- all good.
We were flooded in recently, in a way (you could drive out if you didn't mind driving through the water -- and you had to do so in the truck, not the car), but it wasn't for long. Sometimes I worry about that aspect of living here, since Wendell isn't enjoying perfect health. But what will be will be.
Let me see ... what has been on my mind? What's been going on?
Would you believe it? My sweet granddaughter Veronica turned sweet 16 last week? Here she was a mere 16 years ago! Happy birthday V! |
Well, that's about all that's new with me. Like I said, nothing exciting going on this winter. But who knows ??? Life is full of surprises! Like the grackles.
God is good!
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