Wednesday, March 18, 2020

No, the sky ISN'T falling ...

But you'd think it was.  The majority of the people I've talked with about the Chinese coronavirus agree that the scariest thing about this situation is the way people are reacting to it.  And they also think that the media is covering it in an overly sensational way; I can't imagine how frightened some children are.  I'd like to see more facts and less speculation.  You know ... like the news used to be reported back in the day.

I've heard all sorts of opinions but I like my husband's best -- people are scared because they have no belief system.  They are literally afraid of dying.  Simple.  Too simple for you?  Sorry, but I agree with him.  I am taking care of myself and staying home like a good citizen, but I know I can only do so much.  And buying as much toilet paper as I can find will not help me in any way, shape or form.

So here's what I'm going to do.  Every few days -- more often than I usually post -- I'm going to show you what I've been doing to keep myself occupied at home.

I finished this twin-size charity quilt top by attaching the final border ...

I've finished the cat portion of my latest rug/mat and started to put the background around his section of the rug (doesn't it look like a guy cat to you?).  I'll add the whiskers when the background is done.  Then I have to do the flowery border ...

Today I baked an apple pie from scratch.  (Had a piece tonight -- with a scoop of vanilla ice cream ! Yum !)

Soooooooooooo ... what are YOU doing at home to stay busy?  Let me know.

Remember, God is in charge!  Don't try to hide behind that pile of TP ...

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