Thursday, August 27, 2020

A busy time of change ...

We've been very busy lately ... well, busy for us.  As I grow older it takes me longer to accomplish all that I want to.  And I'm not always satisfied with what I've gotten done when I'm done.  We're looking for a change in our lives and we're almost there.  I hope we'll both be satisfied when we've completed this task.  I'm looking forward to this Fall -- I enjoy the cooler weather, and I'm looking forward to the change from where we are now.  More later ...

A very sad thing happened in our church family this past week.  We lost one of our very special members.  She didn't die from the virus that is consuming everyone's thoughts and lives.  But she died partially because of it.  Her cancer treatment was "adjusted" in the Spring because of it.  And she slipped off of the road to possible recovery she had been on.  And now she's gone.  I wonder now, when I'm lying in bed at night and can't sleep, how many other people in our country are also experiencing some unexpected consequence of this very bad experiment in the government controlling our lives ...  Yes.  I'm angry.  Also, she's my age and she died of breast cancer, and I've had a very real scare early this month thinking I might be on the same path as she.  Went for the routine annual mammogram.  They found "something" to go back for.  Went back for a follow up.  That wasn't conclusive so they then did an ultrasound and, thank the good Lord, nothing serious was found.  You cannot believe the torture I went through between the time I got the initial call-back and the end result.  It was just a few days but it might as well have been weeks!  Words cannot express my concern ...  And I'm sure all of you have experienced something similar.  I felt literally sick to the stomach all of the time.  Hard to function normally when that's going on.

So ... on the lighter side.  What have I been up to lately?  Well, nothing significant worth reporting just now.  We've been traveling here and there but nothing exciting or photo-worthy.   I've started a new large hooked rug and it's going slow.  Got the loom all warped and threaded and ready to weave a rug for Benjie ... I owe her one in partial payment for some quilting.  I've been sorting, giving, tossing and trying to downsize some.  I have too much stuff!  Don't we all?  You know what I mean! And mowing!  It seems like we mow every whip-stitch!  I've pulled weeds till I'm red in the face (and have the chigger bites to prove it).  But it's been too hot and humid for me to spend too long at a time outside lately.  I'm soooooo ready for October!
I found this really neat piece of bark cloth at an antiques store in Terre Haute.  Now ... what to do with it?!  I LOVE bark cloth.  Any suggestions?

Completed this simple twin-size strip quilt, Benjie quilted it, and I've given it to the HEbron Boys Home in Lyons.  I am imagining some little boy snuggling down under this quilt this winter.  I pray for the success of this venture and all the people who are working to get it off the ground, and am sad that it is needed in our community (or any community).

The bird girl was surrounded by surprise lilies this summer.  Every year they divide and  more and more bloom!  They don't last long but they're lovely.  A strong wind, which also took our power away for 14 hours, took them all down the day after I snapped this photo.
We've had lots of foggy mornings lately ...
It's so lovely outside when it's foggy.  Sort of dreamy.  Like you're in a cocoon and no one can get in to disturb you ...  I need some days like that sometimes.  
Have a blessed weekend.  And remember -- God is in charge.  Not the governor.

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