Friday, January 28, 2011

A View of Marfa TX ...

At the bottom of the page I'll post pictures of the area and will begin with four views of/from Marfa.  As you can see this little town is smack dab in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert.  (When I mentioned this to our eldest son, Jeff, he said 'you mean there are a lot of little dogs running around out there?'  What a smarty!)

Anyway, Marfa is the county seat of Presidio County and I am posting four views from the cupola on top of the courthouse.  They actually allow the public to climb the stairs to the top ... it is breathtaking (literally and figuratively ... LOL!).  Wonderful old building.  The Methodist church we are attending can be seen in the picture marked 'north'.  (On the way out Wendell discovered that there was an elevator that would have taken us to the third floor and we would have only had to climb one [long] flight of stairs!  Oh well ...) 

Yesterday we went to Alpine and walked the downtown.  Lots of neat galleries and shops!  We stopped at the Re-Read Bookstore attached to the public library and got MORE books.  We're reading a lot in the evening!  Then we visited the Museum of the Big Bend.  A very good small museum.  They presently have a special exhibit of Texas maps.  Ate a late lunch at a portable barbeque someone recommended to us.  (Wonderful pulled pork!)  As we were eating at a picnic table outside, an Amtrak train went by; lots of border patrol around and the owner of the bbq said that lots of illegals hop trains!  Where in the world would you hide on the Amtrak!!??

Last night we downloaded some geocaches so today after lunch we're going treasure hunting!  More later ... enjoy the pix ... I'll add more below as I find something interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! What beautiful scenry with the mountains in the distance. You really are in the desert! Sounds like a lovely time you are having with your Wendell. Taking in the sights, exploring, eating whatever you want, and reading. A nice slow vacation.....I'm envious! Love, Jeanne (RED)


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