Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cold snap ... all over he world?

[One of the Marfa water towers sprung a leak and sprayed water a half-block in all directions.  They're not used to such cold temperatures and are not prepared
for such events.]

Well, we thought we were getting away from the cold but it is very frigid here!  Just as cold as at home if not colder!  Only difference is that here people don't know how to deal with it ... i.e., they don't build houses with proper insulation or heating sources, they don't allow for freezing pipes, etc.  The thing that is being threatened now (on the radio) is rolling blackouts.  So, just in case, the schools are being closed or delayed so as not to promote a surge in the early a.m. of power usage!  Luckily our little casita is newly remodeled with heat in the floors and we're pretty comfortable.  The bedroom is cool but we sleep cool anyway ...

Yesterday we went for a drive up to Fort Davis and went to the state park inn for lunch.  It was super nice.  We almost had the dining room to ourselves!  The scenery in the mountains there is breathtaking!  Stopped at a yuppie grocery store on the way out of town and bought the best rosemary & olive oil bread (made wonderful toast this a.m.).  They have the best coffee, too!  On Monday we went for a long drive out south toward the Rio Grande and stopped at a historic site in Alamito (a ghost town).  I'll try to remember to put a couple pictures below that I took that day along FR169.  Today we're sticking to the house and reading and watching movies.  May run to the p.o. and library after lunch (?).  Tonight is supposed to be even colder and we hope the weatherman is then correct and we'll have a somewhat warmer weekend.  Our neighbor back in IN went to our house and turned up both furnaces for a few days (due to the ice storm predicted there) so we feel pretty good about our little house on the hill.  Steve and Dodie are the best!

I brought all of the yo-yo's I had cut out with me and am now done with them, so I must find some fabric soon!  Am reading a very good book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  More later ... Enjoy the pix below.


  1. You think it is cold there! Has to be warmer than Greene County! We lost electricity Tuesday evening and went to Bloomington to a hotel last night. When we came home this morning it was back but it hasn't warmed up in here yet.

  2. Hope your cold snap is over! We are snowed in with lots of snow and really cold temps here! Sounds like you chose a good place to explore. (I've decided I need to buy one of your delicious flower pins if you are selling them!) Hope you'll be snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug while you're cold and hope the temp rises soon! Until then, good-bye, Partner! Oh, and Margo's rIght, do STAY AWAY FROM THE BORDER!


Let me hear from you! -- JF