Friday, March 11, 2016

Spring is in the air ...

I can see daffodils just starting to open down by the shed this a.m.!  Yeah!

So, what have I been up to?  Sewin' & hookin'!!!  Seems like I've been sewing quilt pieces together one day and hooking on my latest rug the next.  And then the next day running around.  Just the things I like to do.  That's what I like about retirement.  We've thrown in there a few trips to the dr. for Wendell though, so it's always 'exciting' (read stressful).  But I'm enjoying each day as it comes.  Today I'm going to try to check out my work room and see if I have any more of this brown wool I need for the background of this rug ... hmmmm.  I think I need to worry!  LOL!  But Margo will come to the rescue (I hope)!

Looking through my saved pictures, here's what I've been seeing lately ...

I know this is a strange looking picture to be sharing, but I saw this at Nancy's Antique Mall in Terre Haute. Have you ever seen a stove with what my Mom called a 'deep well'?  Well, here's one!  We had a kitchen range with a deep well when I was a child.  It was sort of like a crock pot built into your stove.  It's at the back left corner in this picture.  Just wanted to share with you ... Mom used hers a lot and this really took me back.
Oscar thinks he lives here.  Here he is sunning himself outside our bedroom door.  Nice surprise to wake up to!  (I used to call him Stinky, but he's growing on me.)
We took a drive through Parke County couple Sundays ago, and came across this interesting place.  He had all sorts of old farm equipment and Wendell was especially interested in that.  I liked this "weather station".  (It was windy the day we were there! LOL!)

Of course, we saw bridges and more bridges.  Here's the exterior and interior (double arch) of the West Union covered bridge.  Wendell's checking out the creek below for fish ...
Made some more of these pretzel-Rolo-pecan candies again and will be sharing with the hookers next week -- not these (they're gone) but more of the same! YUM! (They're addictive!)

I went to the quilt show in Bloomington last week and before I went, met Teresa B. for lunch at Trojan Horse.  It was such a good time but flew by too quickly.  We talked and talked and also managed to enjoy dessert, going away feeling stuffed.  Teresa probably had trouble staying awake back at work, but the walk back to the convention center in the drizzle woke me up and got me ready to be amazed at the beautiful quilts.  I'll share pictures of them soon.  So many ideas.  Bought some fabric (which I definitely needed [not]) and happened to run into two friends and talked some more.  It was just a very good day.  I hope you've been enjoying some good ones lately, too.  God is good.