Saturday, December 26, 2020

2020: Wasted Year?

I just stepped away from my kitchen window where I saw my neighbor go out to get her mail.  The mailbox is just across the street from where she lives.  She put on a mask to do that.  Walked over, got her mail, walked back inside her home and closed the door.  And she felt the need to put on a mask to do that.  

What in the world is happening to people!?  How have we slid so far down into fear, gloom and despair in just 10 short months?  Since I don't live like that, it boggles my mind and honestly, I just can't get my head around it.  So, will this year be looked back on as a wasted year by most people?  

Not me!  I've learned a lot about myself -- and about those around me -- this year!  Lots of new and interesting and challenging things have happened to me this year.  I've found that even though some people have hunkered down these last few months, I've been able to (safely) go about living and also almost entirely changed my life!  In a few words, I divested myself of lots of possessions and responsibilities, and helped facilitate a move from one side of Indiana to the other.  Those few words encompass a LOT of things that couldn't have been accomplished if I had stayed holed up inside my house!  Life goes on people!  I wish I could talk to my neighbor more, but she doesn't want visitors "just now ... maybe next summer" (when we've all be innoculated?).

So ... Wendell and I moving forward, enjoying life and just now thinking about such mundane things as when to take down the Christmas decorations.  I want to keep them up for a while but W. is ready I think.  I'll try for after New Year's Eve!  Sometime.  We had a great Christmas celebration last Sunday with our entire little family.  Presents, talk, food, talk, laughter, talk ... yada, yada, yada! LOL!  It really was a great day and went by much too quickly!  I think Veronica got just about everything on her list, thanks mostly to Uncle Jeff!  We ALL love to spoil her!  

We've also been busy visiting places around here and have lots more territory to cover.  Drove to Celina and went around Grand Lake.  Visited a winery.  Took Round Barn Road to Richmond and saw -- round barns!  Visited two large antiques malls and a couple other smaller shops.  Tried to shop as many businesses in downtown Winchester as we could -- meat market, movie theater, thrift store, consignment shop, pop-up Christmas mart, Hallmark shop, DIY shop, barber shop, etc.  (More on that DIY shop later!  Sounds like future fun for me!)  We love the small movie theater, which has three screens and shows first-run movies and BTW has cheap popcorn on Tuesday nights.  Saw "Let Him Go" with Kevin Costner there couple weeks ago.  

Well, here's some photos from the antiques shops we've visited.  (But the most fun has been visiting Bear's Mill over near Greenville, Ohio and I'll put photos of that excursion on here a.s.a.p.)  ....

These three photos are from the Centerville Antiques Mall.  It's a HUGE place and we couldn't cover it all in one day so we'll be going back.  They have a restaurant in the mall, so you can stay all day.  I liked the booth with all the Fiestaware the best!  This photo shows only 1/4 of that booth!  Wow!  You know, I've always wanted to change to Fiestaware ....... hmmm, am I too old to change table ware ???

In the midst of it all, I tried a new pie recipe ... pecan chocolate chip!  Yum!  Also made a fruit cake last week.  First time I've made one in YEARS.  Still in the process of spooning some brandy over it each night.  We'll try it next week (or maybe New Years day) and I'll give you a report!  I'm getting used to my much-smaller kitchen and find it still difficult to have much help there; not enough room.  But I still enjoy doing some cooking -- there's a place here that makes and sells noodles called Mrs. Coe's Noodles.  Right downtown.  I finally tried a package this week and YUM!  I did chicken and noodles (using chicken thighs) in the crock pot and it was a winner.  But I also enjoy trying 'new' places (to us) to eat out.  Favorite so far in our town is Kabuki for Asian and Roots for American-Midwest.  And yes, we eat OUT.  I just heard today that 1/5th of American small businesses have already gone under.  I'm doing my part ... how about you?!
Back to photos:

These two photos are from the Jay Garment Factory Antique Mall in Portland.  Wow!  We'll be going back there, too.  Like the name says, it's in an old garment factory building.  It's so big!  Actually sort of overwhelming.  One booth had probably 100 picnic baskets; never seen anything like that.  We went to the Centerville antiques mall on a Saturday and there was a surprising number of people there, but 500 people would rattle around in there like marbles in one of those picnic baskets.  As for Portland -- we went there during the week and there were probably only about a dozen people there and we felt like we had the place to ourselves!  What are we looking for you're probably asking (since we just divested ourselves of lots of STUFF)!?  Well, a Pinocchio cookie jar like we got as a wedding gift and and lost somewhere along the way, and a small table for beside the bed (since everything in our bedroom is sort of snug ... but I need a small table to put my Kindle and glasses on every night before I fall asleep).  So the hunt is fun.  And we're entertained by looking at old things; things we love to look at and touch and remember.  BTW, we've been looking for that Pinocchio for YEARS and haven't given up yet!  I'm afraid when I find it it will be like $500 and I'll not be able to justify buying it!  LOL!

Also, just a reminder: remember the reason for the season!  

Merry Christmas and a very blessed new year to you all.  

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick note of thanksgiving ... and btw, happy Thanksgiving day from me to all of you.  I truly have so much to be thankful for this year!  Although we've moved from rural Greene county to Winchester (Indiana), and have had to leave our "dream home", I still feel so grateful.  I woke up this morning!  Am enjoying pretty good health for someone who is 76 years old.  I have a wonderful family who are all healthy and content (knock on wood); and hubby is even having more good days than bad.  We have a beautiful granddaughter who is 16 going on 29.  We're settling in to a new smaller home and sharing the enjoyment of making it our own.  And I'm still with the same guy I started out with almost 58 years ago.  What's not to love and be thankful for!?

Here's a few pics of the new place, interior (I don't have an exterior shot yet).  We're in a 55+ complex of cookie-cutter duplex condos plus a place they call "the lodge" which are small independent living apartments in a larger building.  We share this duplex with a nice couple who our kids both know their kids ... since our kids grew up around here a few years ago. 😉  Everyone we've met seems very nice.  It's quiet and peaceful, and very predictable.  

Only thing I need to do is get back into sewing and/or hooking.  I have done some needlepunch but that's all; been busy 'decorating'.  And taking drives to get re-acquainted with this area -- we lived in this county from 1969-1984 so we know it somewhat but there have been some small changes.  It's all good so far.  Went to a new dentist yesterday (checkup) and that was a good experience.  Have to meet a new NP in December and hope it goes as smoothly as the dentist ...  Still need to go to the BMV to have my drivers license changed, go to the courthouse to get a homestead exemption, have Wendell meet his new cardio doctor, and other stuff like that!  Making a list, checking it twice.

Well, here's some pics then I'll sign off.  More later ...

Living room with door into office at end ...

Guest room where I'll set up a table to sew soon (I hope) ...G

Kitchen ...

Master bedroom ... I have things to add to most of these rooms, like wall decor ...

I have the twig table Wendell and Neil made for me in the entry hall and have found a windmill mirror to hang over it yet, along with some other wall art for that area that I have but just not hung.  And a lamp to put on it ...  Also need a new counter-depth frig and replace the patio (it's cracked).  So I think by next summer we'll be all settled in.  (Do you know how difficult it is to get appliances right now!?)  Anyway ...

God is good.  And again, Happy Turkey Day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

We're moving ...

Well, it was bound to happen -- one way or the other.  Just moving forward into another phase of life.  The past few weeks have been full of research, looking, talking/dealing, waiting, buying, more waiting, and now preparing to leave this lovely place and relocate.

This is what we're leaving -- you can see why I'm torn about the move.  And you can also see it's lovely, but observe the depth of outdoor chores that this lovely place entails:  For instance, about 2 acres of trees.  Which are always shedding branches, loosing leaves and worse-case-scenario -- falling down.  Then there's driveways to grade and keep stone on.  Weeds to spray.  Two acres of grass to mow.  Gutters to clean.  Trim to paint.  Flower beds to maintain.  Yada yada yada.  Inside is okay with the exception of stairs to climb.  One of my least favorite things lately is carrying bags of groceries up a flight of stairs.  So ...  we move.

We've found a nice little condo in Winchester.  It really has everything we need.  And is just right for us just now.  So to Winchester we go (eventually).  Right now we're sorting, packing, and waiting for the painter to paint the interior of our new home.  I'd guess we'll get out of here in the next few weeks.  I realize now that everything takes twice as long and costs twice as much as first estimated.  Heard this before but never realized it so much as I have the past month.  When we get moved I'll put a photo on here of the place!  I'm excited, nervous, anxious, worried, happy -- sometimes all at the same time.  Frankly, I'll be glad when it's all over.  But it will be a while because getting this place emptied and sold will be another obstacle.  I'll worry about that when that comes!  LOL!

So what else?  Wendell sold his Case tractor and all of the equipment -- and his flat-bed trailer.  Here he is the last day he had the tractor here.  It was a sad day.  He put LOTS of time and love into the restoration of his tractor.  I know the pastor says we shouldn't say we love 'things' but he really loved his tractor.

Also ......

Did I tell you I'm seeing lots of these this fall?  Yikes!  You know what black wooly worms mean?!  My DIL says we need to move before the snow flies and I'm with her.

Margo & Neil gave me two bowling balls -- from their collection of bowling balls which they keep in a livestock watering tank (?????) -- and I made two F-bombs. Gave one to Jeff and wanted to give one to Ray but he didn't want it 😕.  So Wendell has his own now ... not that he needs this ...  Thanks M&N!

I said I've been sorting and packing -- well, here's one thing I don't have room for.  Actually I'm crying over several things that I would love to pack but can't.  Just no room in a 2-bedroom condo for a floor loom.  So I've been trying to sell it.  No takers.  Not even one.  If you're interested I'm selling it with extra reed (8" & 12"), 5 shuttles, and other "stuff" for $350.  Let me know if you're interested!  You have to pick it up here in rural Worthington IN.  😀

Well, I'll sign off.  Maybe the next time I write I'll have a new address.  Hope so.  I'll keep you posted.  God bless you and please say a prayer for us if you will.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

New Harmony Welcome? .....

We decided on Labor Day to go to New Harmony, Indiana.  Wendell said, it's Labor Day; it'll be busy and touristy but I said, come on, let's go anyway.  We were both surprised.  Let's just say from now on I'll choose to remember quaint little towns like this as they used to be and not try to go back ...

We've been to New Harmony in the past on holidays and experienced that lively feeling of being with others and enjoying the beauty of the village and the shops and the surroundings.  All that's left of New Harmony is history and memories. 

As we drove into town we were greeted by these banners on every other post and I had a premonition of what we might be seeing on the ground ...

There was almost no one parked along the streets downtown and we had no problem finding a place in the shade.  We walked the business district on Church Street then went around the corner to Main and walked it for a couple blocks, both sides.  I would say we saw about 10-12 other people on the streets total.  Most of those were going into the restaurant.  The word I'm looking for is "sad".

Only four shops and one restaurant were open downtown.  (The Red Geranium was closed; that's where we had hoped to eat lunch.) But times have changed.  What was usually one of their busiest days of the year was definitely not this year.  But why would anyone want to come here when this is what you're greeted with at each door?  This is how just a few of the businesses were greeting customers ...

So would you ring the bell or knock, wear their rubber gloves,  take a mask if you didn't have one (we did), have your temperature taken?  I asked the woman who "greeted" me (and I use the term loosely) at the door of The Mews with a thermometer in her hand if she was a nurse.  That's where I drew the line.  I wasn't asking to enter a hospital -- it was a shop that sells things that are not necessities.  So we ended up looking through one antiques shop and one soap-making shop.  

Here's what Main Street, west side, looks like now.  Every shop is vacant.  Again -- sad.  What are we doing to ourselves?!  (The one on the right used to be a wonderful book shop!)  Historic towns like this will die and all of that history will be lost.

As I got into the car I walked out into the street and took this photo.  This is the main east/west street through New Harmony.  This says it all.

On the positive side, we had a beautiful day for a drive, saw some lovely country back roads scenery, got some walking in, bought a delicious cantaloupe at a farm stand, and found a restaurant in Poseyville for lunch where we enjoyed chicken livers!  Yum!  

So I leave you with this (again): I've said it before, it's my theme, I start each day by looking at this thought written on a post-it on my kitchen cabinet where I get my coffee cup:


Saturday, August 29, 2020

FYI ...

I just got into the comments section of my blog.  I hate to admit my ignorance, but I have turned on "comments" COUNTLESS times and I STILL rarely your see your comments within the blog.  I have to get into my own comment section under settings.  So I apologize profusely for seemingly ignoring people's comments and sometimes questions!  So sorry!  

I appreciate all of your positive comments, especially get lots of remarks about my instructions on how to bind a hooked rug and how to make proddy lapel pins.  And I get helpful tips on how to make homemade noodles without breaking my wrists, questions about what books I'm reading now (which I keep a record of here btw), and various memory-lane type of remarks.  Thank you all for that!

I'll work on it again, but I do get several error messages each time I'm typing a post and wonder what's happening (?) ... I think my computer virus program is in conflict with Google's Blogger program ... LOL!  I may eventually have to change blog programs (and you know how I LOVE change ... LOL!!!!!).

So ... in the future I'll try to answer any questions here in posts, as I receive them.  Promise to do better in the future and again ... I wasn't ignoring anyone.  Just not 'seeing' your comments out here on my blog (have to get into settings -- does that make sense?).  BIG SIGH!

Have a blessed weekend,

Thursday, August 27, 2020

A busy time of change ...

We've been very busy lately ... well, busy for us.  As I grow older it takes me longer to accomplish all that I want to.  And I'm not always satisfied with what I've gotten done when I'm done.  We're looking for a change in our lives and we're almost there.  I hope we'll both be satisfied when we've completed this task.  I'm looking forward to this Fall -- I enjoy the cooler weather, and I'm looking forward to the change from where we are now.  More later ...

A very sad thing happened in our church family this past week.  We lost one of our very special members.  She didn't die from the virus that is consuming everyone's thoughts and lives.  But she died partially because of it.  Her cancer treatment was "adjusted" in the Spring because of it.  And she slipped off of the road to possible recovery she had been on.  And now she's gone.  I wonder now, when I'm lying in bed at night and can't sleep, how many other people in our country are also experiencing some unexpected consequence of this very bad experiment in the government controlling our lives ...  Yes.  I'm angry.  Also, she's my age and she died of breast cancer, and I've had a very real scare early this month thinking I might be on the same path as she.  Went for the routine annual mammogram.  They found "something" to go back for.  Went back for a follow up.  That wasn't conclusive so they then did an ultrasound and, thank the good Lord, nothing serious was found.  You cannot believe the torture I went through between the time I got the initial call-back and the end result.  It was just a few days but it might as well have been weeks!  Words cannot express my concern ...  And I'm sure all of you have experienced something similar.  I felt literally sick to the stomach all of the time.  Hard to function normally when that's going on.

So ... on the lighter side.  What have I been up to lately?  Well, nothing significant worth reporting just now.  We've been traveling here and there but nothing exciting or photo-worthy.   I've started a new large hooked rug and it's going slow.  Got the loom all warped and threaded and ready to weave a rug for Benjie ... I owe her one in partial payment for some quilting.  I've been sorting, giving, tossing and trying to downsize some.  I have too much stuff!  Don't we all?  You know what I mean! And mowing!  It seems like we mow every whip-stitch!  I've pulled weeds till I'm red in the face (and have the chigger bites to prove it).  But it's been too hot and humid for me to spend too long at a time outside lately.  I'm soooooo ready for October!
I found this really neat piece of bark cloth at an antiques store in Terre Haute.  Now ... what to do with it?!  I LOVE bark cloth.  Any suggestions?

Completed this simple twin-size strip quilt, Benjie quilted it, and I've given it to the HEbron Boys Home in Lyons.  I am imagining some little boy snuggling down under this quilt this winter.  I pray for the success of this venture and all the people who are working to get it off the ground, and am sad that it is needed in our community (or any community).

The bird girl was surrounded by surprise lilies this summer.  Every year they divide and  more and more bloom!  They don't last long but they're lovely.  A strong wind, which also took our power away for 14 hours, took them all down the day after I snapped this photo.
We've had lots of foggy mornings lately ...
It's so lovely outside when it's foggy.  Sort of dreamy.  Like you're in a cocoon and no one can get in to disturb you ...  I need some days like that sometimes.  
Have a blessed weekend.  And remember -- God is in charge.  Not the governor.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Finally ... rain!

Today is warm and humid and rainy.  Sort of like living in Florida!  But we need the rain so I'm not complaining.  Only thing is, this will make the grass grow.  We just mowed last week for the first time in 2-3 weeks.  So with this rain we've been getting the past several days, we'll be out there mowing again next week for sure.  I don't mind the mowing ... I 'mind' the weed whipping and weed pulling and sweeping up, etc.  Actually, being out on the mower is a good time to do some thinking.

We re-did our front sidewalk over the past two weeks, between rains, and it looks good again.  Took up the old pavers, redid the base, and then re-laid them using a new type of edging to hold them in place.  Used polymeric sand to sweep into the cracks and they're in there for a while now!  Looks pretty good.  That work outside in the humidity about did me in though!  I HATE to sweat.  We did it a half-day at a time.  We were supposed to get a guy here to help, but he never showed.  So we did it ourselves.  What can I say?  It's Greene County.

I've been keeping busy otherwise doing the usual stuff around here, sewing, crocheting, hooking, and TRYING to get the loom warped, and heddles and harp threaded.  It is a tedious job.  But I really need to get it done and get started weaving a couple rugs I owe people ...  So this is what I've been keeping busy with lately:
I already have a lot of weft ready but during the past month I've prepared this, too.  Most light to medium weight cottons are cut 2 1/2" wide, sewn together, then folded over and pressed.  Denim is cut 2".  I roll them just to keep them together and ready to go, plus it's easy to store this way and gives me an idea of how much is there ...

I have all the warp cranked on, but now in the process of threading the heddles.  As of today we have 5 sections threaded and 10 to go.  Wendell has to help with this.  He sits behind the loom and passes each warp thread to me and I use the tool that pulls the warp through the heddle.  NEXT I have to bring the warp through the harp.  So as I tell anyone who asks, by far the hardest part of weaving is warping and threading the loom! 

I saved up old coffee cans and found a bike rim, took it all to Neil White and he turned it all into this nifty whirlygig.  Nice paint job, too!  I love it!  THANK YOU, NEIL!

Friend Laurie brought this to hooking couple weeks ago.  Isn't this neat?  It's wool, like we hook rugs with.  Looks just like lavender.  She took a class; we think she should teach us now!  Hint, hint, hint. 😁  At least our two rug hooking groups are still meeting.  Here's keeping our fingers crossed that this will continue.  But I guess that's all up to Dr. Holcomb -- oops, that's Gov. Holcomb.

Here's the sidewalk just before we put the polymeric sand on it.  Looks pretty good.  Our only fear now is with this downpour that the new soil on both sides will wash out.  It's on a slight slope ...  Keeping my fingers crossed.

Well, we're hoping that we won't need an ark to get out of here tomorrow to celebrate Wendell's birthday.  He's now six years and two months beyond his stroke and heart attack.  Every birthday is special.  God is so good!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Is it hot enough for ya'?...

Yikes!  This heat!  And the humidity has been awful, too.  I believe today it's supposed to be 94.  Thank goodness for AC!  Had a friend whose AC went out about 10 days ago and had to have a new unit installed.  In fact, we've had two sets of friends that that has happened to this summer.  I keep my fingers crossed; ours is 19 summers old ...

Nevertheless, I've been spending a little more time than usual outdoors each day, very early.  I got both of the propane tanks washed.  They look like new!  Had to use cleaning vinegar to cut the crud.  Also been weeding and watering flowers since we've not had rain for some time.  No mowing now; lawn has gone dormant. Things look stressed out there.  The raccoon problem we have doesn't help; they are so destructive.  I've given up on one flower bed, which they dig in almost every night.  Other jobs I want to finish this summer are painting some exterior doors -- but it'll have to be less humid for that.  Also, power wash the decks.  Always something ...

I have nothing new to add in photos that we've done lately; it's been too hot to go anywhere and do anything!  LOL!  But I wanted to add these three pictures I found recently.  Still going through stuff, sorting and organizing and discarding.  You know the routine.  These are photos of me and my brothers Don and Gale.  Hey ... Think I'll put more of this sort of thing on here!

Well, hope you're enjoying summer and I hope some of you truly enjoy this hot, humid weather more than I.  God bless!

Don, Gale, me.

Don, me, Gale.

Gale, me, Don.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Summer's finally here!

This has been some beautiful weather lately in my part of Indiana!  Today is partly cloudy, but with these big beautiful piled-up clouds that makes you want to throw a quilt down on the lawn and look up at those clouds and decide which is a horse and which is a car and which is a turtle ...  I used to do that when I was a kid.  Now I'd just get chigger bites!  And have a tough time getting back up!  LOL!

Yesterday I dead-headed my rose bush by the porch and I need to do the other one a.s.a.p.  Keeping ahead of the weeds has been a job this summer; Preen doesn't seem to help for long anymore.  Also, the deer ate ALL of my hostas in the flower bed near the house.  And the coons dug out everything I had in a pot that was outdoors.  Okay ... I give up.  I surrender.

Today I took up all my rugs from the hard floors and cleaned under them, washed the rubber underlay, and gave the rugs a light vac.  Now I have to decide if I want to put ALL of them back down.  Probably not.  Here I am starting a new hooked rug -- AND warping my loom to weave rugs -- Why?  I may not be able to safely use more rugs.  I truly need to re-think my craft life .....

Soooo, what's up with me?

This has been my motto through the past 3 months!  It's still out there on my kitchen cabinet door!  It works!  So many people are afraid.

I finally TRULY finished my quillie trees.  They were done but I hadn't put the finishing touch on them -- birds on the top (thanks Margo) in nests.  I really love these trees!  (But I don't think I need to make any more of them.)

I made a key lime pie last week.  I'm not a meringue person so ... Wendell enjoyed it.  

We had to do some banking in Martinsville a few days ago so while we were there we enjoyed lunch at 21 North and stopped at the Art Sanctuary.  This was my favorite painting of the day at the Sanctuary.  You can posses all of these with your eyes!  You don't have to take one home.  Really love this one.

Just finished winding the warp onto the loom.  Now ALL I have to do is thread the heddles and tie it on.  😉😉😉😉  When people ask about weaving I always tell them that the actual weaving is fun and fast.  It's the warping of the loom that takes all the time and is the real work.

Got a new sofa ... getting used to it. Hmmmm.  I don't know.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Ahhhhhhh .... freedom

I feel like a person who just got out of the joint!  Free at last!  Past couple weeks we've been going out more and actually ate at three of our favorite restaurants in the last two weeks!  So it seems as if it's all good ... for now. Hasn't this been a terrible year?!  I think 2020 is a year everyone on earth, and especially in the USA, will be glad to see pass. We prayed at church this a.m. for all of the people who have lost their livelihoods to the rioting and that the "protests" will be peaceful and productive! And this year is not quite half way over yet.

Maybe I should always begin these blogs by saying "In my opinion ...".  That would keep me safe from cancel-culture haters and people who don't "feel" even close to the same way I do about life. 

Hey! The best part of this feeling of freedom for me was that we went to church this a.m. and we actually went INTO church! It was so good to see my church family, talk with them, smile and send long-distance hugs. Words cannot adequately express how I felt today. Like I was really back to normal. As I've told a couple friends and all my family who will really listen, I missed going to church the most of all the things taken away by this virus. And I still have a hard time getting my head around the fact that our government closed our churches. And my denomination (U.M.) just acquiesced. No questions; just 'yes sir!'.  Sickening to me. Unbelievable in my lifetime. As I told several people, I didn't know that besides being governor, Eric Holcomb was also a scientist ...  

But I digress; what have I been up to?  Really, not a lot of special or important things; just special to me. Around here I continue to clean and clean out. De-cluttering is my specialty lately. Also, got started warping the loom with a 12 dent harp in a mixed dark color yarn.  First thing, I HAVE to weave a rug for a friend who I literally OWE a rug.  Bartering. I've got 'almost' all of the squares done for my flannel raggedy quilt and now need to put up the flannel design wall so I can play with arrangements. I've Preened again because the weeds are flourishing with all this rain we've had. I plan on painting the two big garage doors and washing the [house] garage floor; really needs it!  That's the two big things on my work calendar for the rest of the month.

My mammogram was postponed again, into August. But I did get my bad tooth fixed (YEAH!) and got my annual exam done with my (new) NP. The blood work is always the hard part for me. Do you hate needles, too? And TA-DA -- I got my hair cut! It looks so much better!

Well, let me look to see what photos I have to share ...

I moved these little iris from a shady flower bed to the north side of the house and wow, did they do well this year. Only thing about them, they only last about a week.  Lovely -- red, white and blue!

Trying to get this arrangement to look just right. Been messing with it lately. I think I've cluttered it too much. But what to take away? Maybe one of the canteens?  But I got them both from SW antiques shops! Memories!
You know, when you go to an antique mall you eventually see just everything but this was a new one for us. A racing boat. The yellow lamp was made from an old diver's air tank. To say this booth was very eclectic would be an understatement .... Taken at the Exit 76 Antique Mall in Edinburgh last weekend.

I loved this booth! Just a small part of the hats in this collection.
We saw five dumped puppies on our road last week. Reminded me of the type of dog we always used to have when I was a child. Made me mad and sad. And wish I could give the person who dumped them a piece of my mind. (Think I was about 10 when this photo was taken. That's my dad in the background with one of our Dorset sheep.)

Well, that's about it; that's what's on my heart and mind. Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. And feeling free again! And know that God is so good!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Post-lockdown ...

Or are we really out of lockdown?  Some people think they are, some people think they aren't; some people feel like they are, some people feel like they aren't.  Thinking versus feeling is a big thing actually.  I am a thinker, not a feeler.  And, yes, I've taken the Myers-Briggs Personality assessment and can say this for a fact.  We're all different and that's a good thing.  How boring would it be if we were all of one accord?!  So, to you who still feel like you're a prisoner in your own home and wear a mask to go to the mailbox, I hope it gets better for you some time this year.  As for me, I'm out and about.

So let me look at the pics I've taken and thus what I've been doing:

Oh! Made my first dump cake. (I know -- it's not a new thing.) Watched a Ree Drummond video on YouTube, it sounded easy, and decided to give it a try.  This was chocolate-cherry-pineapple.  Delicious!  I'll be trying other combos soon!

Went to Reeves Greenhouses, north of Worthington in the country, and got some plants. It's always pleasant to go there and walk through the rows of beautiful flowers in their greenhouses. To me their specialty is definitely putting together lovely flower combos for their hanging pots! Got some annuals and a couple herbs. Also a couple Shasta daisies to replace some dead perennials in one of the flower beds. 

Received these lovely Mother's Day flowers. This holiday was just a big nothing-burger, wasn't it? I've got to admit, I was feeling sort of blue that day ...
We went to three antiques shops these past couple weeks. I especially liked the corner of this one particular booth; these white porcelain pans are coveted by rug hookers who like them for dying. This was in Hayesville, IN btw.

I thought this old cart was interesting and would make a great kitchen island!

And this was a first ... never seen a seed bag for marijuana seeds before.

At Glendy's in Terre Haute someone has a sense of humor. A sign of the times I guess. Of the three antiques places we visited, this was the only one asking people to wear masks. We also went to the Exit 76 Antique Mall in Edinburgh yesterday.  It was busy and the biggest mall I know of around here.  It was all good ...

Well, here's to better times. Soon we will start counting the cost of our fear. I know it's been high for just about everyone except essential health care workers, big box store employees and government workers. Also, those essential liquor store employees have been busy! Personally, I will feel better after tomorrow when I finally get my bad tooth fixed. (He said "I 'think' I can save the tooth." Not very reassuring but I'm thinking positive. One way or the other, it will be costly ... ) And my mammogram was postponed again. Thinking positive about that, too ... experiencing no problems. It will all work out, one way or the other. 

And most important 😂 -- ta da -- I get my hair cut on June 2nd! Been wearing hats a lot! I look HORRIBLE!

God bless you and yours!