So ... I thought you might want to read about how I made these Santa's from dried okra.  Here goes:


  • dried okra with plenty of the stem/cap left, in any size and shape you desire (You can find how to dry okra on the internet!)
  • acrylic paint in these colors: red, peach, black, white, pink
  • texture snow medium
  • clear crystal glitter
  • Sculpey clay
  • drill and bit
  • perle cotton
  • tapestry needle
  • scissors
  • oven
  • paint brush
  • wood skewers
  • cotton swab
Drill a tiny hole through the stem cap of the dried okra.

Paint the entire okra using the red acrylic paint.  Allow to dry. Apply a second coat if needed.

Roll a pea-sized piece of Sculpey clay.  Press the clay flat on the "front" of the okra Santa ornament, an inch below the stem cap, for the face.  Bake the okra in the oven according to the instructions on the Sculpey package.  Allow to cool.

Paint the face using the peach acrylic paint.  Allow the paint to dry.  Apply a second coat.

Dip the cotton swab into the pink acrylic paint and dot two cheeks onto the face.  Allow the paint to dry.

Dip the blunt end of a wood skewer into the red paint and dot a nose.  Dip the blunt end of another skewer into the black acrylic paint and dot two eyes.  Allow the paint to dry.  

Dip the pointed end of the skewer into the white acrylic paint and dot a highlight on each eye.  Allow the paint to dry.

Apply the texture snow medium around the face, overlapping onto the okra.  Continue to apply texture snow medium down the front of the okra Santa for a long, skinny beard.  Apply texture snow around the top of the hat, all the way around the okra for the hat fur and dab a dollop on the tip of the okra stem cap for the pompom.  Sprinkle the snow with the clear crystal glitter while still wet.  Allow to dry.  Dab some red for a mouth with the blunt end of a skewer.  Allow to dry.

Thread the perle cotton on the tapestry needle and insert it through the drilled hole in the stem cap.  Cut the thread a total of six inches.  Bring the ends together and tie in a knot for the okra Santa ornament hanger.

     NOTE:  I gave a lot of these away as gifts.  Seemed to be very popular.  Enjoy!  And have fun making them!
     I left some red showing for a mouth.
     You can find most of the supplies and especially the Sculpey clay, texture snow, and clear crystal glitter at stores such as JoAnn's, Michael's and Hobby Lobby.

Here's the "snow" and glitter I used in this project ...


Anonymous said...

How do you dry your okra ?

Anonymous said...

I made some and your instructions are excellent