Monday, June 27, 2016

Is it hot enough for ya? ...

Whew!  Today I went out early and did some yard work.  Pulled weeds which, despite using Preen, are trying to take over my flower beds.  Also trimmed back my Knockout roses so they'll bloom more later.  Then I trimmed here and pulled there until I was sweating so much I slid right into the shower.  LOL!  Things look better though!  I had tried growing a tomato plant in a bucket but it was stunted looking, so I moved it out to the end of the day-lily garden.  I'll let you know if I get tomatoes.  My, the lilies are looking good this year; we've had just the right amounts of rain and sun  ...

I had Wendell cut a sign board and I put up another path marker ...

I'm not sayin' where exactly it's pointed but if you know me you might guess.  Speaking of flowers and all things outdoors, we recently went to the new Apple House in Terre Haute.  Have you been there yet?  Wow, it's really neat!  I loved loved loved it!  Did I buy more plants?  Guess!  Here's Wendell getting a close-up look ... 

Speaking of him, you know Father's Day was a few days ago and our church was decorated so cleverly for the event!  This (below) is what greeted you as entered.  And the tie theme was carried out inside, with three ties draped over each pew end, and also over the lecterns.  They gave away four yummy looking pies from Gray Brothers (unfortunately W. was not old enough, young enough, or have enough children or grandchildren, so we went home pie-less).  But all the Dads got a baggie of chocolates to take home.

I've been trying to switch up my meal planning lately and dug out some old recipes I haven't made for a while.  So I made this fruit 'pizza' last week.  It went really well with a bottle of white wine Jane & Jeff brought for Father's Day.  We had a really nice visit with them the day before 'the day' ... it's always good to hear about what's going on in their lives.

So, to keep inside and out of the heat/humidity I've been crocheting again.  I've made two hats, two scarves (for Project Warmth) and this prayer shawl during the past couple weeks.  Also been reading a lot!  I'm hooked on these Isabel Dalhousie books by Alexander McCall Smith and am almost done reading all of them.  She's supposed to be a philosopher so lots of deep-thinking asides are thrown into her mystery solving.  As you can tell, I'm into light summer reading right now ...

Here's that prayer shawl I just finished.

Last but not least, I took this picture outside Graham Cheese in Elnora Saturday.  Does anyone recognize this plant?  I'd like to know the name so I can buy one.  I'll bet the hummingbirds would love it.  Let me know, will you? 
Well, that's what I've been up to lately.  God bless you.  Have a wonderful week!  And keep cool!!!!!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Anxious about something???

It's like I'm sort of mentally limping into summer.  I know it doesn't officially arrive for several more days, but it's coming and I'm dragging my feet.  I'm back to feeling anxious again; something I've had to deal with off and on all my life.  I know -- they make drugs for this my friends and family tell me.  But I'm working day by day to talk myself into feeling better.  If I were to explain it to anyone (and I have) this is how it feels: like something terrible is going to happen but I don't know what it is.  But as far as I know, nothing terrible IS coming in the foreseeable future.  So why can't I shut off my brain?  It seems like the more I feel this way the perkier I act with those around me, so they won't pick up on it I guess.  I AM going to have a good day today!  (LOL!!!!!)

Actually I think we'll have to mow today.  One thing this wet spring has brought to our place is tall grass and BUGS.  So I'll have to spray the Deet around me pretty liberally today.  It's going to be a long, scratchy summer for me.  I already have chigger and mosquito bites here and there ...

We've had some fun things going on lately.  Number one was a trip to Michigan to visit Adrian, Gloria & Veronica!  Yeah!  We spent a great day with them and saw a soccer game on an absolutely beautiful day to be outdoors!  It really was the best day.  Went out to dinner later in the day at the Sand Bar.  Funniest thing to me was Veronica telling her dad to wait before we took off so she could buckle in "the kids" (me and Wendell).  I love to squeeze in the back seat with her!!!
Practicing before the game ... that's our #27.

Along the way home the next day, we stopped at the Gilmore Car Museum again and I had a long talk with Abe.  He had nothing ...

One Sunday recently we took a drive to Spring Mill State Park down near Mitchell.  They were having a tractor show in the parking lot of the Village (can't imagine why we went for that, can you?).  While we were there we walked through the Village and got to see them demonstrate grinding corn for meal at the old roller ill.  Here's some old grinding stones they have on display.  I thought they were awesome ...

To stay on my toes, I added a new responsibility at church, volunteering to be the secretary to the Administrative Board.  Luckily they only meet every other month, so it's not demanding.  The Chair, Don Berry, is pretty easy on me.  Also, last month we had our first church fellowship dinner of the year and I made a chicken and noodle casserole.  Had to borrow two other crock pots (thanks Jan & Jane) but got it whipped out.  I think I'll not do that again (the crock pot deal).  Just too difficult to juggle all the timetables I needed to meet to get it made and delivered at the proper time.  And can you picture me toting three loaded crock pots down my stairs, to the car?  Whew!  Anyway, it worked out well and people seemed to enjoy it.  Where would you be without your friends?!  Along those same lines, I'm the co-historian at the church and we made an interesting trip to DePauw University to the (Indiana) United Methodist Church Archives in the campus library.  I delivered all of our church records over 7 years old.  What a load off our collective minds!  Now our records are in a safe place.

We visited with brother Don and Nancy in Plainfield recently where Wendell helped Don figure out an electrical problem.  We had a fun afternoon catching up on what's been going on in our lives and went out for lunch at the Oasis Diner.  I took a hooked rug to them.  Recently I've began giving some of my hooked rugs away to family ... 

Also, visited Mom in Bluffton just before Memorial Day and we took flowers to Stahl Cemetery to Dad's grave.  She enjoyed the time away from RT, the peacefulness of that country cemetery, and later we took a drive around the countryside where she grew up.  She pointed out places to us she recognized: we went by Aunt Mert's old farm, a cousins old place, and also went by her old home place (Roger & Glenna's) where she grew up and was married.  She always enjoys going through Poneto and pointing out places she remembers there, too.  Took the Ellingham Pike back into Bluffton and Mom said it had been a long time since she'd been on that road but remembered where old friends lived there, too.  Just a good day.  I delivered rugs there for my sister Teresa, and brother Gale and two of his kids -- Matt and Julie.  So glad they wanted some of my work and that they're going to good homes.  When we left Bluffton we went further east into Berne where Wendell's sister-in-law Carolyn lives and had a short visit with her.  She was looking good and well rested (LOL Carolyn).  Left her some rugs for Lisa and Kevin.  Mission accomplished!  Our only regret was that we didn't just take some clothes and stay overnight so we could have had longer visits with both Mom and Carolyn.  Maybe next time ...  That was a long day!

I hope your spring is going along well, too, and may God continue to bless us all.  (But one of the first things I'm going to ask Him is: Why chiggers?)
PS: I see last time I promised a picture of my brown runner I completed.  Here it is, on the floor in front of the sofa ... It's a Margo White design and I love it there!