Tuesday, May 9, 2017

WAY too many showers ...

Keeping my feet up ......
We're flooded in here.  This is the longest we've been stranded at home, even longer than the June 2008 flood!  Freaky.  We were out to lunch, errands  and the library last Wednesday and drove through a 'little' water to do that.  That was the last time out.  Had to miss church Sunday -- bummer!

This was at the beginning of the flooding on our road; by Sunday you couldn't see the grass or the tops of the fence posts. So stunned when we drove down to look I didn't even take a picture! We thought it might have gone down but instead worse than this ...
Been busy though.  My house is the cleanest it's been for a long time.  And we've mowed the yard and got things whipped into shape outside, too -- mended fence, divided perennials, sprayed weeds, etc.  So it's not been all bad.  I've cleaned out drawers, polished furniture all over (not just the tops) and went through closets, starting Goodwill bags. 
I am getting low on meal ideas though and have only two possible dinner menus plans left!  Have plenty of main course items (meat) left, but I'm almost out of fruit and veggies; fresh is all gone as of yesterday and down to canned.  Not good!  Last night I took a half pound ground pork and half a package of tortellini and half a jar of marinara sauce, and made pasta and meat balls!  It was surprisingly good.  Used the last half package of frozen mixed veggies to go with.  Now all I have is a can of lima beans & some Chinese veggies!  On the plus side, I can make bread.  And I made a half gallon of espresso-Heath bar ice cream.  So we're good, really.  When you have ice cream & TP you have all you need to survive.  [But the bottom line is, in the future I'm keeping more staples on hand!]
Wendell had a special day April 29, receiving his Masonic 50 year award at his home lodge in Bluffton.   Adrian, Jeff & Jane were there.  It sure was an important event in his life and he so appreciated his family being with him.  I got to pin his gold award on his lapel!  Though it was raining mightily that day, it didn't dampen our enjoyment.
Wendell gets pinned!

I've been weaving this week.  We got the loom warped!  Actually, I don't think I could do the warping process by myself.  And I don't feel bad about that because Paul (my weaving mentor) says Marilyn has to help him, too.  I'm working on a t-shirt rug.  It should be very interesting; it's sort of lumpy and bumpy and bright!  I'll put some pictures on when I get some rugs complete, off the loom and knotted!
I finished a new quilt last fall and my friend Benjie quilted it while we were in AZ.  I got it bound this week, also.  (I told you I've been busy!)  Here's what it looks like, front and back.  I'm very happy with how it turned out.  Not my usual subdued colors for sure!  What do you think!?
Front ...
and back!
Well, gotta close and think about lunch!   But what do I have that I can prepare????  Got some boiled eggs, so I think it's going to be egg salad sandwiches on the last 3 slices of bread!  LOL! 

I'll close with these pictures from the yard.  Spring has sprung!

The first rose of summer ...
and the chives are blooming already!