Sunday, October 27, 2024

Autumn: My favorite time of year ...

I've looked back and can see I've not been good at posting what I've been up to these past few months. I'll try to be more faithful in that. Admittedly, I'm not as active as I was in the past. Most of my driving is just "drives" in the country. One of the things that might be affecting that is I'm slowing down. I had one of those "special" birthdays this month and another excuse is I'm also still mentally recovering from living through the tornado (as well as just now fighting off a mild case of pneumonia). So there's that ...

Here goes with some photos with blurbs of what I've been doing:

I went to the Randolph County Art Association show in the spring, over at The Art Depot in Union City. These first photos are from that show. I especially like this one because it's a painting of the building in Farmland where our knit n' crochet group, A Good Yarn, meets. I love the Red Gold mural, a local company. The artist did an excellent rendering of the old building which began it's life as a grocery.

The show was at the old depot building in Union City, IN. It's a wonderful building and I wish it was used more frequently. I do go to a bi-annual quilt show that's held there, too. But I don't think it's used for much else...

The chair of the county art association has her office there, in the west end of the depot building. She is a very talented artist in her own right. She gave me a tour of her office and studio. She was working on small portraits of women musicians.

That building (the old depot) would make a great venue for a small wedding or reception, or other small gathering of that sort. There's a large, roofed brick floored front platform that would be great for spill-over outdoor use, and the large, old waiting room where this art show was set up makes for overall a really generous area for events. I'm in love with that old depot and think it's underused. Oh, to be young and involved again!

Well, I'll just add these two last photos because my internet connection is sooooooo slow! I'll get back on another time and add more. (Sometimes it is hard to believe that I had super fast internet out in the boonies of Greene county and here, in town, it sucks!)

Took a drive to Downing Fruit Farm this weekend. Oh, memories! We used to take the boys there every fall when they were young and we lived in Ridgeville. We would walk out in the orchard, watch apples being pressed into cider, taste apples, and buy a half-bushel bag to take home. Usually followed by an apple pie that evening or next day. Well, now I have a peck of apples (which is really a very small amount; the smallest they sell) but I'll probably have to end up giving some away. I think some of the neighbor ladies might appreciate them ...

More later, I promise. My patience with the internet speed is wearing out. 

Take care of yourselves, each and every one, and God bless you!