Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Ta da !!!

I'll bet you thought you'd never see me out of my old PT Cruiser.  Well, ta-da!  I traded for a '16 Subaru Outback last week.  So far I love it!  Soooooooo many gadgets!  Yikes!  But I'll get used to it, I'm sure.  Doesn't look like it in this shady picture but it's more blue than this looks ...  Anyway ... I'm out of the old and into the new.

I am so tired of this hot hot weather and thankful for this small pause of real spring weather, yesterday and today.  It's really NOT summer yet but we had no spring in my part of southwest Indiana.  Went from cold to hot.  I'm not a summer/hot/humid/sweaty lover, and if I could fast forward it would be to about September 15.  LOL!  The weeds are growing like crazy and we mow every week.  This weather is really not ordered by me!!!  I already have chigger bites and I'm sure I'll be scratching until fall ...

Trying to get some sewing done for Project Kindness as these hot days slip by, and got this little cheater-cloth lap quilt done and 'handed in' to Jane.  It's a good way to stay cool, in my basement work area.  Also did a somewhat larger fleece quilt, using the discarded corners from fleece throws we made.  (Should have taken a picture of it, too; it turned out really cute.)  I always wonder where these things end up, and who is cuddling under them?  We sew again next week and I'm looking forward to it.  I think we're going to do pillow cases for Open Arms here in Greene County.  I'm on the lookout for a simple walker pocket pattern ... anyone know of one?  [Note: Found one!]

Someone asked me within the last month how I stored my wool.  Here's a quick (messy) picture of my wire mesh storage unit.  (All those white packets are lavender sachets ... does look weird, doesn't it?)  I'm going to try to get through this year without buying more wool.  Just use some of this (relatively small) stash that I have.  But anyway, this is how I store it.  I want air to get around it and try to keep in a semi-controlled environment, especially not too hot.  I don't think cold hurts wool at all.  Or dry conditions.  Though my work room is now downstairs, thankfully our basement is dry.

Couple weeks ago we had a fellowship dinner at church.  Wendell, Emma, Jackie & I decorated and planned the meal.  I thought our race day decor looked pretty neat (above).  Unfortunately, after all, we had a smaller than expected turnout.  But we did our part with a welcoming place to eat and delicious food.  We had LOADS of leftovers and people took lots of to-go plates home.  Our church is experiencing a dropping attendance and we need something ... prayer for sure.  I'm positive we're not alone ...

Well, I'm going to hook at the library tonight.  My favorite times are spent with kindred spirits and I will be doing just that this evening.  God is good!

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