Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Post-lockdown ...

Or are we really out of lockdown?  Some people think they are, some people think they aren't; some people feel like they are, some people feel like they aren't.  Thinking versus feeling is a big thing actually.  I am a thinker, not a feeler.  And, yes, I've taken the Myers-Briggs Personality assessment and can say this for a fact.  We're all different and that's a good thing.  How boring would it be if we were all of one accord?!  So, to you who still feel like you're a prisoner in your own home and wear a mask to go to the mailbox, I hope it gets better for you some time this year.  As for me, I'm out and about.

So let me look at the pics I've taken and thus what I've been doing:

Oh! Made my first dump cake. (I know -- it's not a new thing.) Watched a Ree Drummond video on YouTube, it sounded easy, and decided to give it a try.  This was chocolate-cherry-pineapple.  Delicious!  I'll be trying other combos soon!

Went to Reeves Greenhouses, north of Worthington in the country, and got some plants. It's always pleasant to go there and walk through the rows of beautiful flowers in their greenhouses. To me their specialty is definitely putting together lovely flower combos for their hanging pots! Got some annuals and a couple herbs. Also a couple Shasta daisies to replace some dead perennials in one of the flower beds. 

Received these lovely Mother's Day flowers. This holiday was just a big nothing-burger, wasn't it? I've got to admit, I was feeling sort of blue that day ...
We went to three antiques shops these past couple weeks. I especially liked the corner of this one particular booth; these white porcelain pans are coveted by rug hookers who like them for dying. This was in Hayesville, IN btw.

I thought this old cart was interesting and would make a great kitchen island!

And this was a first ... never seen a seed bag for marijuana seeds before.

At Glendy's in Terre Haute someone has a sense of humor. A sign of the times I guess. Of the three antiques places we visited, this was the only one asking people to wear masks. We also went to the Exit 76 Antique Mall in Edinburgh yesterday.  It was busy and the biggest mall I know of around here.  It was all good ...

Well, here's to better times. Soon we will start counting the cost of our fear. I know it's been high for just about everyone except essential health care workers, big box store employees and government workers. Also, those essential liquor store employees have been busy! Personally, I will feel better after tomorrow when I finally get my bad tooth fixed. (He said "I 'think' I can save the tooth." Not very reassuring but I'm thinking positive. One way or the other, it will be costly ... ) And my mammogram was postponed again. Thinking positive about that, too ... experiencing no problems. It will all work out, one way or the other. 

And most important 😂 -- ta da -- I get my hair cut on June 2nd! Been wearing hats a lot! I look HORRIBLE!

God bless you and yours!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day 51 ...

Well, here we are on day 51 of lock down.  (Isn't that a prison term?!?)  What's up with you?

I've been keeping busy, spending lots of time outdoors.  I'll bet SOME of you will have a nice tan on your arms too, at least a little head start going into summer!  (Look on the bright side, right?)  And even though I've been doing more eating than I should, I've been offsetting it by doing some outdoor chores.  

Also, I've cleaned things I didn't even know needed cleaning.  LOL!!!  For instance, I went through my "junk" drawer and have a little less junk in it!  Yeah!  Cleaned out the closet under the basement stairs and discarded lots of old paint!  Cleaned and discarded some fingernail polish.  Went through my first aid basket.  Changed my winter-into-summer clothes for W. & I and started a Goodwill bag.  I'll bet you've been doing things like this also.

We go to Rural King a lot more now -- a place we can get a large variety of things.  I've bought my fair share of mulch, weed n' feed, roundup, etc.etc.etc. at RK these last couple months!  One of my favorite things is to check out the poultry.  Here's the ducks ... I love how the dark brown ones have dark bills and the yellow ones have yellow bills!  Aren't they cute??!!  Also thought these little black chicks (below) were so soft and cuddly looking.  Makes you want to go into the chicken business!

Thought it was ironic; went downtown Spencer last week to pick up some carry-out and noticed that although all of the shops around the square were shuttered, the court house is open and lots of cars in the parking lot ... government is never locked down. 

This statue that's in downtown Washington was outfitted for the times ... mask for the virus and sunglasses for the sunny spring day.  The sad thing was, as we were leaving town we drove by a home where a woman was watching a child skateboard in the driveway and she was sitting out in the sun, on her lawn chair, wearing her mask.  Outdoors.  Now people, that is fear.
Finally finished the "Cat Eyes" mat.  I like it!  Came sooooo close to running out of the lavender for the border background.  (See below!)  Now I have to steam it and bind it.  Did get it done before the first of the month, so I met my self-imposed deadline!  Yeah!

This is what was left of that border wool!!!!  Two strips and some fuzz.  Yikes.

Well, that's about it for now.  Hopefully when I next write you will be somewhat more free.  But I read in Gov. Holcomb's 5-step plan that us "old folks" will have to be home until sometime in July.  Right ... You know I'll be all over that.  😇

God is good!