Friday, January 11, 2019

I know ... I'm late ... but happy new year (and celebrating the old year here) ...

We're in Ft. Davis, Texas for a few weeks.  This has sure been an unusual few weeks for me.  If you know me you know I depend on things being in order and "expected".  Not unexpected.  But I've had a few weeks of "unexpected" for me.  Not been feeling healthy and had to deal with that.  Now trying to get a few more miles out of the meds I have with me so I can stay out of the Indiana grays for a few more weeks ... 

I thought I'd re-visit the last few days we were at home and share some pictures.  It's fun for me, too, to look back on what I did leading up to Christmas and our trip to the southwest ...

We had some excitement on our road in early December with a combine fire.  Met all of the firetrucks on their way out as I was getting home.  Several forlorn looking farmers standing around this machine as I passed by.  Here's the aftermath ...
We visited the Festival of Trees at the Shawnee Theater in Bloomfield.  It was really good this year.  I put a bid on a wreath that my friend Nancy B. made but didn't get it ... darn.

I especially liked what they did with this pallet!  I could do this!

Here's a view of the trees on the stage and up the aisles.  Pretty cool in the dark like this.

And more trees and decor in the lobby.  It was all good and a great way to get us into the Christmas spirit.

A practice coil for a hooked rug I'm working on.  At Jan S.'s Christmas party I made about a dozen for real for the rug!  I think I'm going to like this effect.  It's will fall at the same level as the hooking so it should work fine for the floor.  Very tight.  Now to get it implemented!
Jane and I went to Centenary U.M. Church in Terre Haute before Christmas and made more hat/scarves with the ladies of the church.  These will help keep someone warm this winter I trust.  I think we ended up making about 16 that day.  It's always good to spend a day with kindred spirits.  Got to visit with Lea Ann and Mel Camp as an added bonus!  
Got our tree, and the house, decorated for Christmas.  I should have taken a picture with all the presents (mostly for our girl) under it!!!  I really enjoyed Christmas this year because everyone came to our house on the 15th.  God is good!!!

Here was a very special gift for Wendell and I -- My old H.S. (Petroleum) and Wendell's (Liberty Center) on mugs.  Sure brings back memories.  Jeff & Jane found these at a market in Portland.  I know lots of old P.H.S. buds who would like one of these!!!

We visited the Art Sanctuary in Martinsville in mid-December.  Wow!  So glad we went.  It's a neat concept; they are using an old church structure and artists have studios there (in old Sunday School classrooms) and give classes and have exhibits.  In the old church sanctuary it's all open concept and they can have a big show or a catered event there.  Nice kitchen for a caterer.  Just a wonderful idea!  The people of Morgan County have a real gem there!  Some pictures below that I took that day.  And we met and talked with some interesting folks there, too.
Loved the 3-dimensional art here ...

This was in a stairwell ...

... and on and on, all up and down two levels of hallways!  Wow!

Well, that about covers our December.  This weekend I'll put some pictures on here of the place we're staying.  It's unique, interesting, unusual ... more later on that subject.

Happy New Year to you all! From sunny southwest Texas!

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