Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Back in the saddle again ...

Well, we're back for sure.  So much has happened in the few days we've been home!  Not all good.  But on the plus side, we were welcomed warmly by our church family.  Always good!  Everything was in AOK condition here at the ranch.  Always good.  Wasn't much to do to get everything back up and going.  Hooked with my buds last night.  Always good!  I'm well along with the border of the big "yellow ware bowl" rug I've been working on for quite a while now and I'll be ready to move along to something else.  And maybe best of all, had lunch with Barbara T. yesterday ... wonderful.  She always makes me feel better!  She's a true friend; very empathetic, a good listener, compassionate, gives good advise.  What more can anyone ask!?

Then there's the minus side.  I went to the NP the Monday after we returned and am now on two meds for my elevated BP.  So far not working.  So it's back to to see her again tomorrow, I guess ... You know, that wouldn't be so bad but I also have a tooth headed south and I'll be getting it pulled Friday.  Big Sigh!!!  Now THAT gives me high blood pressure!  But it will all work out.  I fully expect that by the time this abominable weather ends, and we "spring forward", I'll be out in the yard and feeling more normal!

Some odds and ends of left-over pictures ...

I thought this quote on a gallery wall in Alpine was a good one ...

I miss this the most -- long roads to nowhere, mountains, and blue, blue skies ...

The road out of (or into) Fort Davis ... a final look at the Davis Mountains.

For you who say I don't put any pictures of myself on here -- here's one.  I think I need to get more sun; I'm looking pale ... 
May you have a wonderful month of March.  Wish me luck with the medical profession and say a prayer for me, too.  God bless you.

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