Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Summer's finally here!

This has been some beautiful weather lately in my part of Indiana!  Today is partly cloudy, but with these big beautiful piled-up clouds that makes you want to throw a quilt down on the lawn and look up at those clouds and decide which is a horse and which is a car and which is a turtle ...  I used to do that when I was a kid.  Now I'd just get chigger bites!  And have a tough time getting back up!  LOL!

Yesterday I dead-headed my rose bush by the porch and I need to do the other one a.s.a.p.  Keeping ahead of the weeds has been a job this summer; Preen doesn't seem to help for long anymore.  Also, the deer ate ALL of my hostas in the flower bed near the house.  And the coons dug out everything I had in a pot that was outdoors.  Okay ... I give up.  I surrender.

Today I took up all my rugs from the hard floors and cleaned under them, washed the rubber underlay, and gave the rugs a light vac.  Now I have to decide if I want to put ALL of them back down.  Probably not.  Here I am starting a new hooked rug -- AND warping my loom to weave rugs -- Why?  I may not be able to safely use more rugs.  I truly need to re-think my craft life .....

Soooo, what's up with me?

This has been my motto through the past 3 months!  It's still out there on my kitchen cabinet door!  It works!  So many people are afraid.

I finally TRULY finished my quillie trees.  They were done but I hadn't put the finishing touch on them -- birds on the top (thanks Margo) in nests.  I really love these trees!  (But I don't think I need to make any more of them.)

I made a key lime pie last week.  I'm not a meringue person so ... Wendell enjoyed it.  

We had to do some banking in Martinsville a few days ago so while we were there we enjoyed lunch at 21 North and stopped at the Art Sanctuary.  This was my favorite painting of the day at the Sanctuary.  You can posses all of these with your eyes!  You don't have to take one home.  Really love this one.

Just finished winding the warp onto the loom.  Now ALL I have to do is thread the heddles and tie it on.  😉😉😉😉  When people ask about weaving I always tell them that the actual weaving is fun and fast.  It's the warping of the loom that takes all the time and is the real work.

Got a new sofa ... getting used to it. Hmmmm.  I don't know.

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