Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Prayer shawl ...

I completed this prayer shawl Sunday; may still put fringe on the ends (?). I am going to try to talk my local UMW unit into starting a prayer shawl ministry at our church for members, families, friends and neighbors. We actually don't do a lot for our own church as a unit, so I'm going to present this idea to them next Tuesday. I know at least two of them knit or crochet already. Although we're a small unit in size (six active members), if we each made one shawl every six months we could give a shawl away every month. And there always seems to be a need for something like this to give as a comfort, to wrap around a person in grief, illness, recovery, etc.

I hope the other ladies will agree ... If we can do big things for strangers in Africa surely we can do this small thing for our own community.


Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Such a comfort. I love this idea. Makes me want to knit up a shawl.

laurie said...

Way to go! So cool to see your crocheting has taken off.

annie said...

that's a wonderful idea!